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Steve Jobs Personally Calls iPad App Developer


iPadForums News Team

We’re all well-used by now to the various cryptic and often fairly taciturn emails that Apple CEO Steve Jobs occasionally writes to humble Apple customers in reply to questions. According to a report on MacRumors though, Jobs doesn’t just content himself with sending emails from his iPad, he even recently picked up the phone and spoke to a developer of a rejected iPad app who emailed him to complain about his app being knocked back. Apparently, just two hours after sending his email, Seattle developer Ram Arumugam received a surprise phone call from Jobs, and the two then had a conversation about Arumugam’s rejected app, “Economy for iPadâ€. Jobs explained that the app had initially been rejected because of the use of a private API to deal with a bug relating to the iPad’s onscreen keyboard. Arumugam agreed to remove the private API, with the result being that Economy for iPad was then accepted in the App Store. Now that’s what you call real personal service from a CEO!

If you’re interested in downloading Economy for iPad, which gives you a snapshot of the U.S. economy, you can check it out here, for £1.79/$2.99.

Now excuse me while I go and compose my email asking Steve Jobs what level he’s up to in Angry Birds.

Source: MacRumors

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