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iPF Noob
I use "stickies" on my iMac desktop to keep to-do little notes. Is here a way to synch those to the notepad (or any app) on my ipad"? All I can think ofd is copy/pastre and email each note. Is there any other method?
I haven't opened stickies in a long time.

There is no means of directly syncing your Sticky notes to the iPad. I double checked, just in case. There is an export feature, but all that does is create an rtf or plain text file of the current note. Not very usefull.

My recommendation is to get Evernote. The basic account is free, and more than adequate for most users, provided you resist the urge to make a lot of photo notes with the iPhone's 5MP camera. I learned that quickly. ;)

You can install this on both your computer and iPad. Once you do that, yep, you're stuck with the old copy and paste routine. But you can do all that on the computer with both apps open, which should speed things up.

Once done your notes will available on on just about any device you care to install Evernote on, or all else failing through a web browser. Evernote is one of the most versatile note programs on the iPad, with the ability to take text, audio, and photo notes.

My only complaint is that the iPad will not edit rtf notes created on the Mac. You can only append to them in plain text. But that's a minor annoyance.

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