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Strange happenings restoring onto an iPad Air from an iPad 3

Oops, I thought that was the end of this thread but....

I don't know whether to carry on or open another thread....

Everything was perfect after the restore but I just went to read a User Manual in iBooks and ALL my books/manuals are GONE :(

Also I can no longer access my Yahoo mail. It keeps asking me to enter my Yahoo password and when I do it displays some "Server" error and asks for the password again. In Settings/Mail the password says "Required" and when I enter it I get a "Server" error.

If I use Safari (on the Air) to access my Yahoo, my mail (and password) works perfectly :) It also works perfectly on my desktop PC.

Things were further complicated when Yahoo asked me ( a couple of weeks ago) to change my password as my account had got compromised. I did and everything worked okay on the 3 until now....

Thank heavens my photos are still there :)

So should I continue this thread or start another?

Unless you specifically marked for data ON in Icloud management of apps it won't save anything but your purchased books--which are basically 'in the cloud' or bookstore and are saved by default. Any books you purchased from Ibooks should be able to be restored by going to the purchased section in the ibooks store and redownloading.

I had some issues with my gmail account. Deleting and reinstalling it solved the problems. That could be a possibility that may help rectify your problem.

Hope these suggestions help.
I've tried deleting and adding my Yahoo account a couple or three times to no avail. :(

And my iBooks data in iCloud was switched on on the 3 before backup. :(

Like I said, my books/user guides WERE there after the restore but disappeared some time later. When I tried an iCloud backup it took about half an hour "estimating" to fail three times. Next couple of times it said it would take 18 hours and 25 hours to do the backup.... So I cancelled them. I had backed up before and it took a negligible time.

Sorry if this sounds abrupt, it is not intended so.... Just frustrated. :(

My docs are still on the 3 so I am going to see if I can save them? Can I email them to myself from the 3 and re-import them on the Air?

Is this a problem I can take to the Genius Bar? Will they just tell me to restore the OS.

Thank you for all your help. :)

Is it possible I have a dud Air?

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I've tried deleting and adding my Yahoo account a couple or three times to no avail. :(

And my iBooks data in iCloud was switched on on the 3 before backup. :(

Like I said, my books/user guides WERE there after the restore but disappeared some time later. When I tried an iCloud backup it took about half an hour "estimating" to fail three times. Next couple of times it said it would take 18 hours and 25 hours to do the backup.... So I cancelled them. I had backed up before and it took a negligible time.

Sorry if this sounds abrupt, it is not intended so.... Just frustrated. :(

My docs are still on the 3 so I am going to see if I can save them? Can I email them to myself from the 3 and re-import them on the Air?

Is this a problem I can take to the Genius Bar? Will they just tell me to restore the OS.

Thank you for all your help. :)

Is it possible I have a dud Air?

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I'm not going to be of much use because I don't use the cloud for backup. All I do is make a backup of the old iPad on/with iTunes and put it on the new iPad at activation (and iTunes prompting). And, I don't use Yahoo for my e-mail...

But, I can tell you that yes, you should be able to mail documents (PDFs) from iBooks to yourself. Then, on the iPad Air, you can open the e-mail and then save them to iBooks on the Air.

Sorry for your troubles, but I don't believe you have a dud Air. You've just got some backup and transfer issues. Once we've helped you (or not :)), your iPad Air will be fine. We've just got to get it to match the 3...

Just a final update to this thread as requested by Marilyn. :)

Yahoo appear to have changed something in their setup about the 11th November.

It now appears that some Yahoo accounts MUST have a specific app password created for them in Yahoo Settings.

Click on "Manage your app passwords"
Enter a name for the app(for instance iPad Mail) and click on "Generate password"

A very long password will be created which has to be entered into iPad/Settings/Mail, Contacts, Calendars/Yahoo!.

With this all my problems in this thread have been addressed and answered. :D

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