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Stream Music and Videos to my iPad


iPF Noob
I love my iPad, and i also love my music. But only having 32GB is keeping me a little limited (yes, I know I should have bought a better iPad :( )

That was until I searched google and found a neat article on streaming music, and even movies over the internet!

This is what i found:

Stream audio and video to your iPhone / iPad from WHS2011 « Tranquil PC's Weblog

Has anyone tried this out, it looks like you can stream from a test server?

Unsure I want to pay £1. for an appn if it doesn't work - I may give it a try, but welcome any feedback, please?
I gave it a try. I am a little surprised. I know we live in a technical world, but that Appn is so simple to use. I enjoyed some of the music (it seems there are 10,000 of tracks!) - but I have to say I loved streaming video, I am in the midle of watching Little britain red nose special, it's really funny - i love it.

I'm connected via wifi - and i don't have 3G, so that will mean I will always get good video.

Ah well, £1.79 well spent - thanks to the demo server. PS - you do need to send in an email to get the server access IP address etc

if anyone else gives this a try, on 3G, let me know if it still works?

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