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Streaming movies from PC to IPAD over wireless


iPF Noob
Hi, This is my first post to the forum so helping someone can offer me some advice and direction.
I have recently purchased an IPAD 2 and love it. One thing I would like to do with it is be able to watch movies I have on my computer at home.
I currently have an XBOX 360 also and stream movies/videos from the PC through the XBOX onto the television using Windows Media Center.

Am I able to also stream the same videos through to IPAD 2? I have seen a couple of apps that suggest I can but not sure if I am able to run these at the same time or on the same computer that is running Windows Media Center.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated for I am very new to the Apple world.
You can use an RDP app, such as Splashtop, that gives you remote access to your PC from your iPad. It's very simple to use and allows you to completely control your PC from the iPad and watch whatever is on the PC screen and hear the audio too. There's a free version in the App Store, so you can try it out risk-free.

Have not used the app Tim recommends but I have used Airplayer and Plugplayer both these players should see WinMP hence stream over wireless. Airplayer will play more video types but PP, in my opinion has a much better interface and control. I use a Qnap server with embedded Twonky media server (also recognised by Xbox360). A couple more to think about perhaps!
Thanks all for your help. I have downloaded airvideo to start with and it looks good. I like the idea of being able to control your PC also from the IPAD so am off to give Splashtop a bit of a play too.

Globalpad, I had a look at Plugplayer and it looks as though it does both music and video. Is that right? Are there any other apps that do both that you would recommend? There are just so many to choose from :)
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Hi Boblins

The approach I took was go on the net to get opinions for the best streaming app and as I was looking to stream MP3 music, photos and video I fine tuned it to the two players I mentioned above. As these are paid for apps I limited myself to the two. But found that my preferred approach I.e. Being able to select from the list of media mostly music on one of the screen and have art remain on the same screen suited me. Airplayer moves you to the "art" screen once something is selected so to select a another track in my opinion was less convenient. But Airplayer does play mpeg2 video (some BBC 4 music shows I had transcoded with Super on the laptop) however I did experience some sound to video synch problems. PP does of course play mp4, native ITunes stuff, and some avi so I am prepared to retranscode my mpeg2 movies to mp4 unless PP is updated. Just as a side issue Xbox360 does also play mp4 non encrypted video.

Hope this helps

Ps PP was quicker to render the media Airplayer takes a short time to buffer.
I not sure why all these apps are being recommended for a function that is already available with iTunes and no special apps. Use the Sharing function of iTunes instead of 3rd party apps to stream your movies from your PC to the iPad. It works perfectly!!!
If is movies are in a compatible iTunes format then yes, but from his first post and mention of windows media centre, I doubt it.
DefBref said:
If is movies are in a compatible iTunes format then yes, but from his first post and mention of windows media centre, I doubt it.

Yes thats right. They are avi movies.
Hey i had the same problem, 6 months down the line, i have found the 'plex media server' is BY FAR the best way to solve it, Splashtop is a brilliant program, i use it, but if your network isnt the best then you will get jumpy playback. Plex is reasonably simple to setup, and is compatible with not just mp4 content, but all major file extensions, and mp3 aswel. There is an official accompanying app, so no need to jailbreak, and its free! It works with both mac and win, although mac is supposed to be slightly better.

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