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Streaming og MP3s from PC to iPad WiFi only


iPF Noob
Hi everybody,

I have a collection of MP3s on my PC and I would like to stream them to my iPad.
I already tried Audiogalaxy and ORB and some other app I don't remember right now.

While that generally worked, I am not too keen on the whole Website-Account online thingie.

I'd be quite happy if it worked in my own Wifi only, no outside streaming over Web necessary and wanted. And with no online-registration whatsoever.

Streaming of Video and Images too would be nice but is not mandatory.

The app should either be free or there should be a "light" or free version too so I can test it first.
All in all: the easier the better !

Any tips here?


P.S.: I found an app "StreamToMe" that looks like it would do just what I want. But it's not free and I don't want to buy it just to find out its not what I wanted ...
This is pretty easy what you want to do and I do it every day. No app needed just go into iTunes on your pc and turn on home sharing then go to your iPad and in settings >iPod turn on home sharing. Start up iPod app on your iPad and select the iTunes on pc's name. You can listen to music, video, anything you have in iTunes on your pc. as a note pc must be on and iTunes must be running

Edit: there is also an app in the app store called splash top remote and it turns your iPad into your desk top. It is really cool and I use it a bunch when I use my pc on my wide screen. No mouse or keyboard free it's a touch screen desktop on your iPad. Best part is it's free :). Good luck
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Here are some pics of splash top on my iPad


  • image-2726624162.webp
    61.5 KB · Views: 323
  • image-1596378754.webp
    81.2 KB · Views: 331
  • image-3049999313.webp
    55.2 KB · Views: 310
Thank you, but it seems I forgot to mention one important piece of information: There is no iTunes Software on my PC (the one with the music on it)
I have iTunes only on my Notebook which I use for iPad Sync.

That's why I need an App in the first place ;-)

I found only a trial of the App you mentioned, going to try it now.
stooney said:
Thank you, but it seems I forgot to mention one important piece of information: There is no iTunes Software on my PC (the one with the music on it)
I have iTunes only on my Notebook which I use for iPad Sync.

That's why I need an App in the first place ;-)

I found only a trial of the App you mentioned, going to try it now.

Edit: Oh, and in the look&feel departmend I'd still like it to be something Audio-Player like. Audiogalaxy without the Registration and Web-Streaming would be the perfect product!
I think you'll like the splash top app. It just takes control of the puter that contains the music. What I mean is you have access to all files web cams everything you do on your pc will happen on your iPad. Even all sounds that the puter makes will come out of the iPad. not only works on wifi but works on 3G also. So aim not home I can turn on my web cam and see what is going on in my home. It's pretty cool.

If you do find some thing else that works for you please post it here for me and others that might be interested in what you found. Good luck
OK, so I am sure that Splash Top will come in handy for some other stuff - thanks for the tip!

But as far as my initial problem goes, it's not the right thing for me.
Any more ideas ???
Audiogalaxy is good. I also connected IPad2 to my stereo receiver with the Ipad/ipod connector and play any music that I have on my PC thru audiogalaxy.

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