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streaming video/ flash /file management


iPF Noob
streaming video/ flash /file management

i was told that you can watch video (that is flash format) via
using a web browser and going to youtube and watching it
using the youtube app that preinstall on the ipad
but can you also watch video (that is flash format) via
using a web browser but not on the youtube site
and what other video format can i watch via streaming on the ipad?
i noticed some streaming site is divx format and not flash
can i watch divx video? etc on the ipad?

file management

i was told that the ipad dosent have a finder (windows explorer for windows computer)
is there an app that i can download to use
so when i download a file from my email i can use it

and is there a problem like winrar or winzip on the ipad too?

waiting for experts for the help

many thanks

You can't view flash on the iPad. The vids on YouTube that your able to watch are hosted by YouTube and are in html5. The YouTube app is also html5, this is why your search results will vary from the app to the actual site

An app called cinexplayer will let you transfer videos such as divx (.avi) through iTunes file transfer and play them on the iPad. Another app called oplayer has a built in web browser which will let you go directly to popular streaming sites like quicksilverscreen.com and either download the video to the iPad or stream it directly from the site. It also does file transfer with iTunes.

Filer is an app that will store attachments and merge with other apps such as pages. It also allows you to change document formats, so you can change a .doc file to .PDF. It also has an option to change the file extension to .zip but I've never tried it so I can't comment on that.

All this apps are available in the app store.
It works like this, will you be able to watch FLASH content/movies on the iPad. No.

Now, there is a new browser waiting for their approval for the app store but it does not show it as flash, it literally converts it to the file format needed for the iPad in real time in the background it says.

As for the youtube videos on the ipad/iphone etc, they are converted on youtubes end to a format the i* devices can play. The device does not actually "play the movie as flash" like some people may think.

In other words, all workarounds involve converting the file.

As for playing an xvid etc movie that is stored on your ipad, you can download this player: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id384098375?mt=8

Sorry mine is late, I started typing this then had to go AFK so I did not see Highbred8's reply before I sent mine.
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You can't view flash on the iPad. The vids on YouTube that your able to watch are hosted by YouTube and are in html5. The YouTube app is also html5, this is why your search results will vary from the app to the actual site.
This is not quite correct, HTML5 is not a video format. HTML5 browsers have built in handlers for many open source video formats used by many sites today. So you don't have to download a "proprietary" video player like "Flash." Some of the videos on YouTube are in these open source formats, so you can watch them on the iPad. Many are still in Flash format and will not play on the iPad.

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