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Stupid iPad pic editing


iPF Noob
I just noticed that when I edit a pic with the iPads native pic editing such as crop or enhance then save it and export the pic to my PC it exports the pic in its pre edited state rather than the one you edited. What's that all about? I spend hours cropping hundreds of pics only to find out the edits are not real.
Yes I do but the problem is that i have many folders with different categories of pics. In order to get them out of the camera roll folder and into the folder they are supposed to be in I have to import the pics to my pc then put them into the right folder. Then when I sync back with my iPad they are back on the iPad in their appropriate folder but the edits have gon and they are back in their pre edited state.
I just noticed that when I edit a pic with the iPads native pic editing such as crop or enhance then save it and export the pic to my PC it exports the pic in its pre edited state rather than the one you edited. What's that all about? I spend hours cropping hundreds of pics only to find out the edits are not real.

Hi Poita - in all honesty, I would not trust the 'native' iPad photo app regarding photo editing (i.e. cropping, resizing, etc.) - I would suggest putting your images onto your computer and using a reliable known photo editing program that you know works for you - then you can always and easily put the altered photos onto the iPad as needed - just a suggestion? Now there are some additional iPad apps (Photogene is one that I use) that may be an alternate, but up to you to decide.

Also another suggestion is to just try a couple of photos to see whatever method you are using is satisfactory - converting hundreds of photos w/o testing first is a path to potential disaster, but just my thought - hope all works out well for you! :)
Thanks for the input grad man.

Well if I was going to revert to using a OC to do stuff then why have an iPad at all? I got the iPad because I find it super easy to use touch input with a stylus to do this stuff and I can do it on the train or in meetings etc.
Also, with hindsight I now know that the photo edits with iOs's native editing feature is not permanent but surely there was no way I could have known or even suspected that such a ridiculous thing would happen so naturally I did many. I edited them and they looked edited when I finished. In 25 years of computing on all machines from the Amiga to pc's to phones It's been my experience that when you change a file and click 'save' then it permanently alters that file. Sure it's nice if it 'also' saves the previous version to revert to in case we change our mind but to only allow the saved version on the device it was edited on is crazy. I do love the iPad. It this has been a huge dissapointment. I think I'm gonna do a YouTube video to points it and some other silly iOS design choices out.

Thanks for the app suggestion. Im in the process of trying a. Unch out. I really love 'Touchretouch' and also 'Sketchbook Pro' but they. Oth lack features I like in the iOs editing such as crop and auto enhance. I need an app that has all the features in one package and can have a save stick no matter where the picture is sent, stored or used.

I t
Phew, thank God for the concurrence.

I was starting to think I was going crazy for expecting it to 'just work'. Apple need to fix this.
Anyone care to share their experience with photo editing apps ?

On a related topic, how can i arrange my photos my albums purely from my ipad alone without having to sync with my PC ? i find it kinda annoying that all my photos are all in ONE folder at the moment.
There is NO way to arrange your photos apart from doing in on your pc/mac then re syncing. You can move the folders around if you press and hold on them and you can 'create' new folders in your iPad; but of course they aren't actual folders. They are just shortcuts to what ever pics in the camera roll you send to them ( and by 'send' its just an illusion as all you are really doing is assigning them to be 'also' visible in that new folder as well as in your camera roll). In fact, if you 'send' a pic from the camera roll to a folder you just created (and you can only 'send' them to folders created in the iPad rather than on your PC) then delete it from te camera roll it will also bee deleted from the folder you just sent it to.

Most pic editing or art apps have a default to save any edited pics to the camera roll only. The Photogene app seems to say you can save edited pics from that app directly to the folders you created in the iPad but I'm guessing what it actually does is put the original in your photo stream or camera roll then puts a shortcut to it in your 'created' folder which is really no different from what I described above.

I have resigned myself at the moment to transferring all the pics I edit onto my PC then going through the laborious work of deleting the original from its original folder then manually replacing each from the camera roll. I just have to remember that I should never use the iPads native photo editing features as when you 'save' them the saves aren't real.
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I like Photoshop Express for simple editing. It does save your edits to the saved folder on the ipad1 or camera roll on ipad2. All my photos are in iPad folders, even though it's not for real. It still allows me to choose events or "birds", etc. to show someone. All my photos are from my camera or from the Simple Transfer app.
OP, in a pinch, maybe you could edit, then take a screen capture of your edited photo. It'd be a possible workaround if you really wanted to edit a few photos and save changes.

You shouldn't have to find a workaround, of course, because a photo app shouldn't be as stunted as the current native one.
This begs the question of whether a print off of the photo will have the edit or will it be the original photo. We mostly use the red eye feature on the edit menu. Also find it annoying that you cannot delete photos that have been imported from your PC.
Yeah I considered doing a screen cap as a work around. I can use other program's to crop but I really like the native apps enhance. It's a one button sollution and almost all the time its a massive improvement. Oath er apps have too many options and have to be adjusted manually and with the endless options for enhancement I can never decide what is best. So I love the iOS crop and enhance, if only they were permanent once I click save.

I just bought Photogene and so far it looks like a great program. Need to play with it more.
Poita: I agree, not having the saved edits be, well, saved (!) is a real kick in the teeth.

Not that you want to spend any more money to work around an app that should work, but, I have the app Photo-Sort. If I edit a photo in the Photo app, save it, open the Photo-Sort app and then download that photo to the Photo-Sort app, the edits "stick" [in Photo-Sort]. So, there's that.

I've just decided to continue to use Photo-Sort for my picture sorting, because I just can't get used to the new albums in the stock Photo app having a link to the original picture. Still too hard to look through the main album. And now, with this ... quirk ... that you found? Meh. No thanks. I like how Photo-Sort works to create new albums. Of course, you'd still have to delete the photos out of the stock Photo app, cause they'd be duplicate otherwise, but still.

Anyway, not an endorsement of Photo-Sort, per se. Just an observation of what I do as a workaround to your edit problem. Or, discovery, I should say. And - while I appreciate your annoyance at discovering this problem with the Photo app - I sure want to thank you for posting about it. Because, you saved me (and probably countless others!) a lot of time trying to figure out why edits aren't saved. So, THANKS!


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