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Subfolders for Ibooks?

Hi all,

I have been using the ibooks app to import my pdf files for later reading, But I cant seem to be able to put the various types of books into subfolders. Also, is there a way to have some sort of tittle appear on the book on the shelf so I can tell what it is without opening it?

confused in Arizona

Well, the iBooks app is good, but those are some of the things that do not make it great. The book shelf is the book shelf and that's what you get... for now at least. If enough people write to them and ask for a feature to be added, they might consider it.

As far as the title, it shows the first page of the document and that's it. If there is any way to make a cover in very large print and make it part of the PDF, that would be one solution. Other than that... there's not much we can do at this point.

If you don't need the fancy book shelf type presentation (and how does?), you can always use the GoodReader app and put your documents on a cloud like DropBox where you can organize your stuff any way you want. You can also give your files meaningful names so you know what they are without opening them. The only downside is that you have to be connected to the web in order to view the documents which may or may not be an issue for you if you have a WiFi-only iPad.

Clear as mud, eh?
I don't think any of the ereader companies know how to help people with large libraries. I was just complaining about the kindle library system on another board. The new kindle allows to merge your audible.com and your kindle libraries together and download either onto your Kindle 3 (have to use Wifi for audible books because they are so large). But it is still a flat organization system. You can manually create 'collections'. But it takes time. With my audible and kindle libraries together I have over 700 books. Without some sort of 'cover flow' and automatic system (like genre, decade, etc) you have to know the name of what you are looking for to find it quickly.
Creating New Categories in Books - Solved!

Hi all,

I have been using the ibooks app to import my pdf files for later reading, But I cant seem to be able to put the various types of books into subfolders. Also, is there a way to have some sort of tittle appear on the book on the shelf so I can tell what it is without opening it?

confused in Arizona


Hi Chris and all,

I also wanted to create new Categories in the Books area of iTunes. As I couldn't figure out how to do it, I came here and was dismayed to read "you can't do that." As I hate to hear that, I went in to do some more playing ... and I've solved the problem. Here's how to create a new Category in the Books section:

1) Click on Books, then click View/Album List.
2) Scroll to the book you want to create a category for and click under "Category" in the book listing. This will open an editing box.
3) Type in your new Category name and hit Enter.

You've now created a new Category. You just have to go through each book you want to enter into this category and do the same thing. It's a long process if you have a lot of books (I have about 650 - ugh!), but it's better than searching through all of 'em each time you want to open a book!

Problem solved ... I think! :)


Yes and there is more.
If you have more than one PDF you want to join in the same category it is possible too.
Just select all the books and right click to select "get info" and it shows the same window for music info.
Go to "Genre" and write you category name and UHUU there you go.

PS: I have been a passive forum hunter for all my hard/soft-ware problems. Now I feel I got to much and it is time to start giving back. Thanks to the community : )
The creation of subfolders is relatively straightforward, and it does provide an okay way to categorise and group my library of documents, but - as I recently found when upgrading from an iPad 1 to a 3 - the back-up and re-sync does not seem to capture the subfolder structure. I was therefore left with the rather dull task of re-creating my old list of 30 or so subfolders, and then moving the 500 or so documents into their newly decorated homes. I'd be interested to know if I missed a trick there, or if it's just another oversight on the developers part that needs correcting. I'd also love to see more sophisticated indexing and search capability. Even if it's just thru metatags rather than full text searching, it would be something!
Hang on, there seems to be an easy way...

Hi all,

I found this. Have a look. Since this my first post, I am not permitted to embed a URL so search with these criteria.

2011/04/04 ipad-tip-organizing-pdfs-with-ibooks iPad Tip – Organizing PDFs with iBooks! The Geeky Pastor

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