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Subtitles on the iPad 2


iPF Noob
Hi, I know there's a few posts on here about hard coding subtitles onto video files so they can be seen on the ipad 2, but I have a m4v which has subtitles which aren't hard coded but don't exist as a separate file themselves. Like, in VLC I can go to Video>Subtitles>English, Spanish, w/e. Not sure what that's called. I was wondering if there's some way I could make those subtitles show up on the ipad, or would I need a separate srt file so that I can hard code it onto the m4v file?
If so, any suggestions about what software does the job best? I have a netbook with max resolution of 1024x600, which isn't high enough for handbrake apparently.
Have you tried playing it on your ipad? When you play it do you see a little "thought bubble" to the left of the rewind button (see attached photo). That is the subtitle icon. Tap it and see what happens.




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Need more on captions or subtitles

A big thanks in advance to anyone who can advise. I'm 8 days into being an ipad2 owner. This forum is great.

I created a short movie just using iPad; no apps in use yet and can't find the right one after reading reviews on many. Right now I want to take my simple little movie shot on iPad and insert captions. The thread here seems to indicate how to place subtitles into imported movies created elsewhere...or am I mistaken?
i'm about a week into owning my ipad too, and I haven't actually used the movie function yet. Do you know what file type it's saved as?
Because if it's mp4, m4v, or mov (i think those are the only file types the ipad actually supports), you could make an .srt file (subtitle file) through a program (which you can find on google) and use a program called Handbrake to encode the subtitles into the movie file so that you can see it on the ipad.

I dunno if there's an app for that, but hopefully there is because the above seems like a lotta work.
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