iPF Noob
Ok, so this past Friday a friend suggested to me to check out the store Micro Center for the iPad 2. Yesterday I decided to call the store in Marietta, Ga at about 10:30 am and they guy on the phone told me that yes they had the iPad 2 in stock. They had 4 white at@t 32gb with 3G and 4 black 32gb wifi ones, if I remember correctly. So I get there about 11:30 they haven't sold out they still had the same quantity as what I had been told. I go to the counter in their apple section at the store and the associate is helping one lady with some other items and another guy comes up behind me while waiting and both of us came for the iPad 2. The associate took care of us and we both got the 32gb black with wifi. Luckily there were no long lines to wait in. I found out that they had gotten the shipment of the iPad 3's in yesterday morning. So if anyone has a Micro Center near them try looking there because if the get a shipment of the iPad 2 in they will start selling them that same day and not this deal of waiting til 9 the next morning. Just a suggestion check out Micro Center!!!