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Sweden, IPad, Tethering...good things.


iPF Noob
So im an american, i moved to sweden 1 year ago. Shocked by the great phone plans. Lightyears ahead of america. No offense. My 3GS was free with a unltd text and data plan and global calling for $75, not bad.

The IPad should be here i think in june, probably cost more though. Ill be getting mine via a timely visit in june also :) "3" or "tre.se" has confirmed they will offer ipad plans. Im guessing will be quite good like theyre iphone plans.

But the interesting thing is this......when i got my 3GS here i was shocked to see tethering completely enabled. Ive used it heeps. Bluetooth or usb. So im confused, how can it be ok to tether my laptop but not on an ipad.....makes no sense and i actually get a feeling that it will be able to work. WITHOUT a jailbreak.
Dont expect to see tethering until AT&T can get their 4G system up and running. There was an app to do it with, but AT&T had Apple pull it. It is a lot harder for a large nation like the US to upgrade networks because there is so much of it.

When you consider the density of european nations vs. the central US states, it will cost them less for the network. Plus I think many of the european countries subsidize the backbone system. I also wonder about the transmission towers. Here, they pay hundreds every month for the right to place one of those in a farmer's field. If the state provides tower sites, that can make a difference too.
in Singapore and in China we have the Tethering, it work well with 3GS, when the chinese network is ok , because here the network is really terrible
Tack! Men jag bor i Malmö :) don't hate.... ;)

don't you think tether should work for the ipad too? Of it does for the computer?
I just wonder if AT&T is holding out on this so they can charge more for connectivity plans? i don't want to be too crass but I have been with AT&T for 15+ years and have seen them pull some questionable things.
I have dealt with AT&T for four decades. Like any business, they can pull some boneheaded moves. Technically, what is called AT&T now, was SBC before they took over AT&T and its name. With all the consolidations and takeovers, no one has a clue who they are really dealing with. In the past decade I have changed cell phone companies three times, yet never made any changes to my service. The issue is that none of the major companies can keep up with the technology changes and the added demand. In a very short period many states have needed to double the number of phone numbers available, while the number of land lines is declining. Within a decade or so, it is likely that cell towers will be replaced by drone aircraft that stay in position for years at altitudes miles up. This would save billions in distribution costs, but would have its own issues to work out.
Headed to Sweden

I am heading to Sweden from Texas in august - right time of year to leave Texas AND be in Sweden from what I hear - and was wondering if you had any more info about the iPhone 4 plans, where we would get them, and what kind of support there is in Sweden. The closest apple store I could find was in hamburg. Not too far but not easy to stop by. Is there any kind of Swedish iPad/apple group or anything?

Just some questions.

Also iPad users should checkout the military surplus map case or map bags. I got a Swedish military one for $9 and it works/fits perfectly. It also doesn't look like something that people would want to run off with.



Hello, I live in Gothenburg (I moved from Glasgow 3 years ago)

Anyway, the equivalent of an Applestore (in this part of sweden at least) is Macforum (Macforum.se)

As far as iPhone 4 is concerned, 3 (tre.se) seems to be, by far and away, the best option for a contract .

I realise your original enquiry is a few months old now, but thought Id chip in with my 5 cents worth!

Do you have any more info about those military surplus bags you speak of? where di you get it etc?

Cheers and I hope you enjoy your stay in Sverige as much as I am enjoying mine!

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