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Swirlymessage for iPad


iPF Noob
Maybe old news, but any way.

I've just tested the swedish Swirly Inc's app "SwirlyMessage for iPad 3G"

It Is now possible to send sms/mms direct through your carrier, just like u do from your regular cellphone.

It requires a jailbroken iPad 3G
The app from Swirly, can be bought for 12usd via Cydia.
Your simcard must allow sms and mms feature, some sim card user by people is a pure internetsimcard and have the sms mms features locked.

Im myself running my iPad on twincard from my iPhone, that results that the twincard have all the features that The one in my iPhone, but offcourse, this Is all up to the carrier.

But anyway, the short thread is that It,s now possible to send sms and mms from your iPad from your carrier simcard to anyone in the world.
Offcourse can u also receive the sms and mms.
The cost is all different depending on the carrier u use, but here in sweden almost all of our carriers have free sms/mms/internet.

You can also send and receive sms/mms totaly free through swirlynets servers, but only then to other people that have this app installed.

So if u are interested of an app that enables this feature for 12 usd this Is the one and Only.

Have ************************, but how much Is 12 bucks.

SwirlySpace » SwirlyMessage for iPad 3G


I also recomend "Frash", thats enables flash on your safari browser.
This do also requires a jailbroken ipad and are fairly easy to install via SSH your device.
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Have no one else anabled sms/mms feature.

I can not be the only one In here or am I ?

ex video: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erKLhJskfEU[/ame]
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does anyone know how fast the battery gets drained because of continued use of swirlysms (on 3g connection)? i don't plan to turn it off at all :)

some suggestions for improvement.

1. option to save numbers to contacts (from sender, or in attached message)
2. synchronize with ipad contacts, with option to add sim contacts to the ipad
3. recognize numbers from contacts so the sender name can be seen
4. option to not display message alert
5. option to select/copy from inboxes
6. option to edit message after pressing done
7. recognize prefixes, i.e. 0917 is the same as +63917
8. stealth mode- password-protected names - so sms coming from them will not be seen by my girlfriend, lol
9. blacklist/whitelist
10. group sending
11. messages are grouped based on sender name (forgot the term, but it's like chat)
12. more to come...

hope there is continued development with swirlysms. i have no other sms application that works with the ipad2 3g in our country (philippines). this should be very useful as i have an unlimited text plan.
does anyone know how i can temporarily turn off swirly sms notifications, without uninstalling it? there's no option in settings / notifications.

it's not fun making a presentation during a management meeting whilst connected to the internet via 3g (if there's no wifi)... and someone sends a personal message when everyone's looking at the large screen, lol
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Maybe old news, but any way.

I've just tested the swedish Swirly Inc's app "SwirlyMessage för iPad 3G"..


I have tried Swirly message, bought two days ago and up to now still trying to fix it.
My ipad 3G is Jb', I have a sim card in the slot and successful receiving SMS.
First of all the progrm reject to activate my phone number. (enter your phone number including the national prefix...).:mad::mad::mad:
And then is appear the big red cross !!!.
Let me tell you the settings of ipad.
1. SIM card is in the slot
2. WI FI of ipad is OFF.
Is it necessary to fill in some settings ?

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