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Sync 2 Ipads?


iPF Noob
We have 1 ipad2 now and my wife is getting one soon. We only have 1 desk-top and 1 itunes. How can we sync the second ipad?
Thanks in Advance
Same way you sync the first one. It's really easy to sync multiple devices with iTunes. Just select your sync settings on each device and away you go.

For music you may find it useful to setup playlists for each device and sync the relevant one rather than whole library.
I've synched several iPads and other iDevices to the same iTunes account by backing up an older one, then using the "restore as" feature when synching the new one. Once the new one is hooked up for the first time, I just change the device's name and manually toggle off anything I don't want synched in future.

That's worked fine over the year+ I've used iPads. iTunes automatically remembers each device and its profile whenever I hook up via USB, and what's already offered via cloud is already working on each device. Backups work fine, too.

I also set up and synch my husband's iPad the same way, to my account.
You an set up different playlists, movies apps photos etc and synce up to 5 devices without issue
You an set up different playlists, movies apps photos etc and synce up to 5 devices without issue

I don't think currently there's a limit to devices, the 5 limit applies to itunes accounts on different PC/Macs.

When icloud comes, I believe there is going to be a limit of ten devices that music can be synced to, not sure about apps.

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