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Sync ipad2 to itunes.


iPF Noob
Hello all, I have a problem that has been bugging me for some time. I move things around (Apps) on my ipad2 quite a bit, creating folders a such and i like the way I have it set up on my ipad. If I go into itunes my Apps shows my ipad the way I have it set up but If I check sync Apps Itunes has the Apps spread all over the map. Is there a way I can Sync my Apps as they show on my Ipad2. It is interesting that it shows ok untill I check the sync box.
The solution would be to check the sync box, and let it mess up your apps. Re-sort and from that point on, they will not be moved each time. The trick is to leave the Sync button checked going forward. I have folders in place and sync back to iTunes on my PC a number of times a week for back-up and updates.
Ok Thanks, will give it a try. I have resorted the apps twice in itunes like they are on my ipad but I always unchecked sync apps when I was done. We will give it a shot doing once more and keep the sync apps checked. Not really sure how important it would be to sync the Apps. The first thing I normally do when I go into itunes is to transfer my purchases to itunes so they are there, just not organized like on the ipad.
I have itunes set up as manual, I like to keep control of what happens on my ipad. Syncing or purchases are not the problem, having itunes have my pages look like what is on my ipad is the problem. I have reorganized itunes twice so it looked like my ipad pages, like I said before when I go into itunes my sync box is unchecked, my pages, Apps are faded out but I can see them and they look just my ipad, but as soon as I check the sync Apps button the pages change and get scattered all over. If I would sync at this point my ipad would be a mess.
But as has been explained, once you check the box, organise your apps to what you like within itunes and then sync.
Yes I understand that, but if I Move things around on the ipad after I sink them I go into itunes maybe a week later after making lets say 5 page changes itunes will not see the changes unless I manual make the change in itunes. You know it's not really a big deal I can deal with it, as long as I have my apps in itunes I really don't care what they look like on itunes pages. I only asked thinking maybe it would be a simple question and answer.
Just a note, with what you are saying is so as long as your pages on the ipad and itunes don't change between syncs.
Thanks all for your help.
Are you then unchecking again? Thats the only reason I can think of that would describe what happens. You can't have it both ways, either you want to manually sync and itunes won't update any changes in itunes or you automatically sync and it will track your changes. TBH I don't really understand the advantage of ever unticking the sync apps button.
Yes, I was unchecking the sync box when I was done. dhewson777 made a good point, I will have to check his suggestion out the next time I get into itunes.

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