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Sync mutliple devices on the same computer?


iPad Fan
I own an iPod Touch & now the iPad2 - iTunes is on a Dell laptop, so I'm syncing both to the same computer; now, a number of the apps are compatible w/ both Apple devices, but I don't necessarily want all apps on both devices.

So, when I sync either the iPod or the iPad2 to this single laptop, what is the best way to avoid adding apps to the device not desired? I know that in iTunes options are available for 'sync' choices, but how does one select these options before the sync process?

Thanks for any comments or advise - :)
I made a separate Windows user log in in my desktop for my Ipad since I want mine separate from my wife's Ipad and kids ipods. I call it Marks Ipad so we all know its just for that and we all use the regular Owner log in for everything else.

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For each device in iTunes, de-select the "sync all" default setting and then choose the items you want to sync. If, when you plug in your device, it starts to sync, simply cancel the sync by pressing the x next to the sync status at the top of the screen. When you are done, just hit the "sync now"button and it will remove any items that you don't want sync'd.
For a little extra control over syncing, open Preferences in iTunes, go to the Devices tab and turn off auto-syncing. Now it won't sync every time you plug it in, so you can make changes before you sync, or do other tasks that don't need you to sync.
For a little extra control over syncing, open Preferences in iTunes, go to the Devices tab and turn off auto-syncing. Now it won't sync every time you plug it in, so you can make changes before you sync, or do other tasks that don't need you to sync.

Thanks Twerppoet for the advice above - will give it a try! :)
The advantages of one account are that you can share apps, music, and movies, and at the same time have different things on each iPad. But, first, click on FILE on the top left of the screen, and click Preferences. Select the DEVICES tab and check the box before "Prevent iPod, iPhones, and iPads from syncing automatically." Also, on the APPS tab for your iPhone make sure the box before "Automatically sync new apps." is not checked unless you both want to have all the same apps on your iPhones.Under the MUSIC tab check box before "Sync Music", and then check the box before "Selected playlists, artists, albums, and genres.". Then check the Artist or songs you want to put on your iPhone. That way each of you can have the music you each like on your iPhones. You can also do a similar thing with apps and movies.
Never had any issues here. I have my 3 devices synced into itune simultaneously sometimes. I keep all my iTunes library on a portable pocket FireWire drive for convenience too.

I'm on a pc win XP64 and a version of iTunes which isn't the most up to date.

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