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Sync Nightmare


iPF Noob
May 14, 2012
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I've got to admit that I have finally been stumped by sychronization. I have a MacBook Pro, an iPad (1) and a Windows 7 64 bit PC. I configure each to download mail separate from the other devices. I synchronize my PC and iPad calendar and contacts using Google Sync (yes it does work with 64 bit.) I have Outlook 2011 on the MacBook because I don't like iCal nor the contacts app. They are configured to synch with Google Synch but I never use them. I use Outlook 2011 to look at mail but because it can't synch directly with anything that's all I can do.

When Apple first announced iCloud I was so excited but after a lot of archived and new mail, contacts, tasks and calendar were lost, I immediately stopped it and went back to my patchwork quilt with Google Synch. It seems that iCloud didn't work with a 64 bit Win 7 computer...Apple had only written the code for the 32 bit machine.

So here I am with a bunch of tasks on my PC that I can't sync with my iPad or MacBook. I can't sync anything with Outlook 2011 on the MacBook. It's really a mess and I'd like a clean way to sync but I am deathly afraid of iCloud after my last experience. I would give anything to be able to synchronize all of my calendars, contacts, tasks, notes, etc. between all 3 machines....is there a solution or is this wishful thinking?

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