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Sync Powerpoint on PC to keynote on ipad


iPF Noob
Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum and somewhat new to the ipad but work in IT so I'm grasping it pretty quick. I happen to have a client that is running a PC and uses PowerPoint but wants to sync that to the keynote app on their ipad. What is their best option for doing that?

Thanks in advance!
Hello and welcome to the forum! :)

Now a retired academic professor, I used PP for years - when I obtained an iPad2 nearly two years ago, I wanted to import a number of my PPT files into Keynote on the iPad - my 2 solutions were to either email the file to myself or put the file into Dropbox - both will offer the option to open in Keynote - I'm not sure that an automatic 'wireless sync' option is possible, but am looking forward to other posters' suggestions.
Using the cloud services on the iPad and sending the files (uploading them) to cloud.com is the far simplest way.

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