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Synchronizing files (folders) with iPad2


iPF Noob
I'm a new iPad user and still a little lost...

I'll need to sync a folder with subfolders and files with my computer and iPad.
The folders would continue documents, pdfs, pictures...

I have Dropbox already installed and I use that for some files but the capacity isn't enough.

I'm also using GoodReader that seemed to suit excellently to read the pdfs and make notes there. I also thought I could sync the files with it but it only allows to choose files in iTunes, not folders :mad:
How about if I sync the files to interner server. (Have lots of free GBs to use.)
Would it then be possible to sync a folder?

Basically I have similar need to this guys: ipadforums.net/ipad-general-discussions/19135-syncing-folders-ipad (unfortunately not allowed to post a link)
If I understood correctly he was able to sync the folders though GoodReader. Why it doesn't allow me to choose a folder then? :confused:
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Goodreader will work for your purposes. Let me explain:

1) Setting up goodreader as a network drive (this will make the goodreader folder appear as a hard drive on your computer).

On Windows 7, this can be done as followed. (Instead of browsing to the folder, add the IP address Goodreader shows when you open Wifi-Transfer)
On Mac, instructions can be found here:

2) To initialize the data transfer, open Goodreader and click on the wifi symbol at the bottom to start Wifi-Sync. Than just do the rest from your computer. You can copy files/folders directly into the Goodreader subdirectory, as it behaves just like a thumb drive.

Enjoy :D
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Thanks I following your discussion
What works for ipad 1 and windown vista? I dont have windows 7
Hi All
Forget everything else.
Download DiskAid to your PC, (not iPad). Its free for 14 days and $10 after that.

Now you dont need a laptop or mac air. With DiskAid you can copy a folder of folders (with excel, word etc) from your pc to ipad. I'm have been looking for this for 8 months since I bought my iPad.
Copy your folders into Goodreader (app is cheap) of any other that you may have already (documents is free, etc) ONLY ISSUE is passwords will not work.
Other than that, since yesterday laptop is getting the road. Con

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