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Syncing in iTunes not working after Jailbreak

For the last 2 days I have tried to sync some ebooks to my ipad (epub format) that are not coming up in the sync, sync will run but the book does not show up and I know it works because I am able to read it on a nook. Prior to Jailbreaking I had no issues now I am not sure what is going on. Any help would be much appreciated???

Also to note, the book shows up in iTunes but I just cannot get it to sync over to my ipad 2.
If this is to read with the iBooks app, do you know if your iPad is still set up to sync books? You can check by plugging in your iPad to your computer and scrolling down to the device list in the iTunes sidebar. Find your iPad and click to open up device settings. Hit the books tab on the top right and make sure there's a tick next to the relevant customizable sync books option.
Yes I just made sure that this screen was checked. Whenever I try syncing it gives me the first notification that it will remove apps, if I say ok then it tries syncing but quickly goes through steps 1-3 and then finishes not actually syncing anything. I have tried to take books and music off and even been given the warning that it will remove all books or music I click ok and nothing happens. It recognizes my ipad but its not able to sync or un-sync anything???

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