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Syncing ipad with itunes AFTER having used it straight out of box for a while


iPF Noob
Hey again ipad forum digital helpers :)

I have a question that I did not manage to find an answer to. I'm sure it's out there somewhere, but it drowns in other questions that use similar search words. I apologize if I've overlooked an obvious post.

OK, here goes: My girlfriend got an ipad2 a couple of months ago, and as it came with ios 5, it could be used straight out of the box. She set it up without a computer (yay, finally thats possible) and started using it. She's been using it ever since, no problem - hoorray!

Problem occured when we wanted to sync it with itunes to make a backup + plus transfer some files via itunes to a movie player app. When i hooked the ipad up to the computer i only got two options (the ones that have always been there)

1. Setup as new ipad - this will wipe everything off it, and is definately not a good option. Every app gone, every save file lost ++

2. Backup from existing backup - obviously there is no existing backup, as this is the first time its being hokked up.

What do we do? Is there no way of making a backup based on whats currently on the ipad connected?

I assume it's possible in some way, or else I must say I feel tricked regarding the "use straight out of box" that apple are so proud of.

Thanks in advance.

Make sure you've got a solid, current backup in iCloud. You'll find it in the iCloud settings under Storage & Backup. This way you can revert if something goes wrong, at at least have a chance of doing so. (the app portion of restoring from iCloud can be very slow, and needs a really good internet connection).

Go to the Store menu in iTunes and make sure the computer is authorized with the Apple ID used by the iPad. Go to Preferences, the Devices tab, and turn off auto-sync. This will prevent syncing until you are ready.

Connect the iPad, cancel out of any dialogs, then right click on the iPad under the Devices list. Choose Transfer Purchases.

Before you do any syncing, make sure all your important media on the iPad got copied to iTunes. Check through all the Sync tabs and make sure they are set the way you want. Pay close attention to the Apps tab. You don't want it removing important apps that contain important documents. Speaking of which, if you don't have copies of all your important documents and pictures somewhere other than on the iPad, time to do that, now.

Good luck.
I'm sorry i havent answered earlier, as I havent gotten around to this yet. The problem is: you only have two choices: new ipad, og backup from safety copy that doesnt exist. No option to transfer purchases or backup the device as it is.

How can they advertise to use it straight out of the box when it fu*** everything up massively later?!
You cancel the dialog; ignore the two choices.

Right click on the iPad under Devices in the left column and choose Transfer Purchases. This copies all your iStore purchases to the computer and pairs your device to the computer at the same time.

Make sure you follow the other steps I outlined also.

This is based on the Transferring Purchases method in the below Apple Support page link. Since you do not already have content on another computer the other methods don't apply.

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I have done so, transfer purchases option is not there. Only eject, and backup from safety copy of a different ipad.
That's not right, and I don't know why you are not getting the options. This is (roughly) what you should be seeing.


Optionally, once the iPad has been selected you should see a Transfer Purchases option in the File menu.

Make sure you are running the most recent version of iTunes on the computer, and that you have already authorized the computer for that iTunes account.
Update: I had to sync the ipad with my netbook. I deleted every old safety backup from itunes, and finally got the right options. This was obviously itunes that got confused when another ipad 2 came into the picture. Have synced it to the netbook, and will try to transfer that library to my main computer instead amd see if it works. At least i have a backup now :)

Thanks for your input, seems this was just another one of itunes on windows shortcomings :)
No problem, though you're the only person I've heard of that had this specific problem.

Not that that means much. ;)
Hi OP. Did you manage to sync your ipad properly? I also have the same problem. I got an ipad 2 for xmas and have been happily using it since then. I could easily sign in with my Apple ID and have even wirelessly updated my iOS. I've quite a few apps and I wanted to add some music and videos to it.

When I tried to sync my ipad to my itunes (which is the latest version), I get the same message as the OP, asking if I want to set up the ipad as a new ipad or to backup from my iphone. This happens on both my Macbook and my PC.

I guess the problem lies with the fact that the ipad hasn't been named and the device needs an identifier.

Could you please explain what you mean by deleting "old safety backups"?

I'm at a loss as to what I should do next. I guess I could re-download all my apps, but I find that a royal pain and am trying very hard to avoid going that route. Contacts are on iCloud, so that should be ok.
What i meant by deleting old safety backups was going into itunes setting, under units - there you will find a list over your old safety backups for your other devices. Now the only reason I felt comfortable doing this was because i had never really used that machine for syncing, so the backups on there was old, and not any use to me anyways. I did this to make sure itunes couldnt ask me to restore from backup of another device, as there was none.

I suspect this is some sort of bug, and that itunes donesnt really understand that youre connecting a unique device, and therefor offers to backup from another one. At least when i deleted the old backups i got completely different options when trying to sync - options that worked.

I've been planning to copy the new library, and backup i made, onto my normal computer and see if that works, so that I can start syncing from my main computer, which is alot faster. Will post again once I've done that.

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