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Syncing Sucks


iPF Noob
Is there a way to move files from my Macbook Pro to my iPad without using iTunes?

I'm trying to move two books from my laptop to iPad but iTunes keeps attempting to sync everything which by the way sucks as I don't want my contacts synced with my wifes.(her iPad my MacBook)

How do I get around this syncing problem?
For those unfamiliar with the utility Joker mentions, see:

BackOff Speeds Up iTunes Sync for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad

It's a free download which allows you to sync your iDevice files without backing then up. (Read that sentence again, so you're clear on the risk of using utility.)

I can't recommend Back Off, because I haven't used it. But I'll be glad to find ways to tell iTunes to behave the way I want it to.
Ok..I didn`t listen and download the software recommended in this thread.

I just tried again to move two books from my macbook to my wifes iPad and it again auto-synced everything.

Why do I have to download third party software to obtain an option that should be available through the iTunes sync?

It should be possible to set up iTunes to only sync on demand and not every damn time this overpriced piece of glass is connected to a computer.

I`ll DL Back Off now just to keep me from throwing this tablet in the street but everytime I pick this thing up I`m discovering another reason to dislike it.
That is the point! You CAN set iTunes to only sync manually....look in preferences. You can also uncheck any items you do not want synced...I have loads of stuff in my library that I do not want to sync to either my iPad or iPod Touch each time.
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This thread is like the blind leading the blind. Lol

Guy asks about syncing problems and the suggested solution is to turn off backups? Uh ok.

To the OP iTunes isn't the issue here. A simple checkbox turns off auto syncing. Ditto for turning off syncing contacts, calendar, email accounts, notes, and browser bookmarks. If iTunes is wanting to backup and you don't want it to, just click the X next to the "backing up..." message atop iTunes ... It will cease the backup and continue with the sync. No other software needed. I do however recommend you let it do a backup every now and then.
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Sometimes a picture works better --

For moving one or two files I use email or dropbox. Both work fine for book files. You can open with iBook

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