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Syncing with several itunes-store accounts?


iPF Noob
Hi folks,

we have pulled together all our different "family"-iTunes libraries into one big database. Trouble is, that there are 6 accounts involved.

Now the iPad is moaning, that it only can sync with 5 accounts. But I can't get rid of them, because I also have some movies or apps bought with these accounts, which I want to sync.

Any idea for a work around?

I think you can just go to the Deauthorize Computer option under the Store menu and remove the account(s). Not sure that will work as far as the iPad is concerned though. You might need to then restore the iPad to the factory defaults.
The question is whether or not you have six itunes accounts. If you have six itunes accounts, does that means six different credit cards to charge to? If so, then you should consider talking to an Apple rep about some type of family itunes account that can be shared. If it is all on a single credit card, or can be, then you should get the accounts merged. You can only shared five devices on one account, but there are work arounds if you have a little used device or two.

I think you can just go to the Deauthorize Computer option under the Store menu and remove the account(s). Not sure that will work as far as the iPad is concerned though. You might need to then restore the iPad to the factory defaults.

That's what I basically did. I "killed" two of the minor accounts by unauthorizing them and then restored my iPad to factory default.

Takes some time, but I spent even more time to consider, what will go on it.
One thing I noticed for sure - my 32GB is more than reasonable. Although I am considering getting a 3G once it's out here in Germany.
Glad it worked out.

RE:Size - I don't regret getting the 64GB version, but I am well under 32 GB usage so far. But I expect over time to reap the benefit of the extra $100.

I think you can just go to the Deauthorize Computer option under the Store menu and remove the account(s). Not sure that will work as far as the iPad is concerned though. You might need to then restore the iPad to the factory defaults.

hello mate,

what is the proces to deauthorize computers from your ipad considering that you can`t access these computers anymore?

dithyrambique said:
hello mate,

what is the proces to deauthorize computers from your ipad considering that you can`t access these computers anymore?


Wow, you sure re-opened an old thread. Still to answer your question, log into the account on the apple website then select unauthorize all computers. Then you will simply authorize the ones you have access to when you need to by logging into your iTunes account in iTunes.

This has nothing to do with your iPad, only the computer.

If you are selling your iPad you probably want to restore it to factory settings instead to clear all your personal information off of it.

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