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Hopefully l am posting in the correct forum.
Running iPad Air 2 iOS 11+ with Pages and Notes

On my iPhone 5s iOS 10+ with Pages and Notes the latest versions that will run on my iPhone.
Only Notes Syncs both are set to iCloud. Please be aware that l will not be amending my Notes iPhone 5s but it could be useful for emailing when the iPad is at home for example.
Do you need help with syncing Pages?

Make sure itā€™s enabled in your iCloudā€™s settings, force close the app, and restart your iPad, if there are problems.

If that helps: great! If itā€™s still not working, weā€™ll find other methods to make sure it syncs.
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If you are using iCloud Drive to store your iWorks files, then as long as you donā€™t change the default storage location in the iOS 11 version then they sould get synced/stored in the same place. On the iPhone 5s you would find them using the iCloud Drive app. On the iPad youā€™d use the Files app. In the iWorks apps you will find two differnt interfaces. The iPhone 5s will only show the files for that app. The iPad will let you browse the entire Files app interface, but youā€™ll still find your files in the iCloud folder for that app.

Notes is a different beast. Iā€™m not sure how syncing is going to work. iOS 11 added several features to Notes that may not be backwards compatible with the iOS 10 version of notes.
Hi Team sorry been busy, totally kaputt now.
Firstly must apologise l misled you my initial problem was that my iPhone was not syncing pages, but now the situation has got worse. The iPhone is on iOS 10 however forget that please.

Now lā€™m referring only to my iPad iOS 11 pages also.
Reinstalled it, and what l see is totally different, seems that my files that l thought were in iCloud seem to be in A Drive
He is what l see


Obviously lā€™ve messed up or misunderstood something l need them back in documents so l know they are safe and l can modify them.
Important question for you Experts is, is that possible bitte?
I also had a problem with Pages a few days ago. It was impossible to edit my documents, and quite a few of them were suddenly missing. I noticed this at school, during work, and in the hurry wasnā€™t able to solve it.

So hereā€™s what I did when I had more time:
I force closed Pages (didnā€™t help in my case, but maybe itā€™ll help you). Then I logged in to iCloud (www.icloud.com), to make sure the files were still there.
That done, I restarted my iPad and force closed the app once more. That brought all of my files back, and it was possible again to edit them.

I do hope I did get your question right. If not: do you need the files in Pages, or in Google Drive?
I thought they were in pages because thatā€™s were l was editing them and viewing them. Before l removed the pages app l checked that it was green, so assumed all was ok. But when l reinstalled it, thatā€™s when l found this mess. I would like to have the files from Drive into my iCloud if that is possible. I have no idea why it just seems logical for some reason [emoji38]
Time for sleep now though
Pages will now let you save your pages files pretty much anywhere you want. Well, anywhere that the Files directory will let you go. You set the default location in Settings > Pages > Document Storage.

If those first two files in your second screenshot are Pages files, and you want them back in the Pages directory in iCloud Drive (your first screenshot), just tap select at the top right, select the two files, choose Move, and navigate to the Pages folder in iCloud drive to finish the Move.

Since you are no longer seeing the Pages folder in the ā€˜On My iPadā€™ folder youā€™ve switched it to using iCloud Drive instead of local storage. Or it did that by default when you did something else.

Since your iPhone is still on iOS 10, if you want documents to synce between it and the iPad you should keep your files in the iCloud Drive > Pages directory. They wonā€™t sync using the ā€˜On My iPadā€™ option.
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Since l started my thread l have obviously totally misled you.
When my iPad was previously opened on pages it looked like this.

I then created a new document and saved it. If l wished to amend it l simply clicked on pages selected the document and amended it, simple as that.
Now l am faced with the mess l have shown you before.
I have no idea how that happened. I would like the documents back were there were.
I am a simple person and have no idea which drive or file or folder or whatever that should be.

This is proving to be a little nightmare, the nearest Apple store is 60 miles away and the only other good reason for driving there is the English Shop for decent Tea bags [emoji38]
Open the Files app on your iPad, go to Drive, where the file is.
Tap Select at the top right:

Choose the files that you wish to get to Pages, then tap ā€œMoveā€:

Make sure to select Pages, or one of the folders in Pages:

Then tap Copy:

The files you selected should be in Pages (again?) afterwards.
Or faster:
Tap Select, as before, chose the file, then tap ā€œShareā€:

Slide to Pages and tap it:
The file browser in Pages has been changed. There is no option to make it look like it did.

Your files, for the most part, are (or were) in the same place. They just donā€™t look like it. With the power of more flexibilty comes more complexity.

You have two options in the new File view. You can choose Recents or Browse. Recents will show you some number of files youā€™ve recently opened and/or worked on in Pages. In Browse youā€™ll see the entire Files directory. Your original Pages folder was either in ā€˜On My iPadā€™ or in ā€˜iCloud Driveā€™.

ā€˜On My iPadā€™ is local storage. If you turned on iCloud Drive in Pageā€™s settings at some point, then your files were probably migrated to the iCloud Drive folder. If you enabled some other cloud service as the default, itā€™s possible they were migrated there at that time (Iā€™m not sure).
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