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Taking videos


iPF Noob
Sep 28, 2010
Reaction score
Larkspur, Ca.
OK, stupid question time.

I want to take more videos, and want to know if there's any zoom fuction on the iPad 3?
OK, stupid question time.

I want to take more videos, and want to know if there's any zoom fuction on the iPad 3?

Oh, there are never stupid questions! How else can you expect to learn a new device if you don't ask?

Unfortunately, the answer here is that, with the stock camera/video-taking app on the iPad, there is no zoom. I've not needed to zoom myself, so I've not carried this too far, but - I believe there are some apps that allow you to zoom while in video mode. Hopefully, someone else will chime in who knows of any such app. Or, maybe do a Google search and see if you can find some that way.

Good luck and sorry to not be of better assistance.


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