iPF Noob
Hi, everyone!
Just a little intro for whomever is interested.... I'm Ellie. I'm 22 years old and in college. (Well, not right now. Yay, summer!)
I've had Apple products since I can remember. My family's first computer was an old school Macintosh with that horrendous mouse with the rectangular button. Anyway, I consider myself incredibly savvy when it comes to Apple products. I have a MacBook Pro, an iPhone, and several iPods. I'm telling you - I breathe Macintosh.
At any rate, I got this iPad 2 for my birthday and I'm blown away! It's so much more than I ever though iPads could be! I'll post in threads here and there as I see fit, but I guess I just wanted to introduce myself and see if there were any quick tips anyone has to offer a new iPad owner - especially if there are an free must have apps. I
Just a little intro for whomever is interested.... I'm Ellie. I'm 22 years old and in college. (Well, not right now. Yay, summer!)
I've had Apple products since I can remember. My family's first computer was an old school Macintosh with that horrendous mouse with the rectangular button. Anyway, I consider myself incredibly savvy when it comes to Apple products. I have a MacBook Pro, an iPhone, and several iPods. I'm telling you - I breathe Macintosh.
At any rate, I got this iPad 2 for my birthday and I'm blown away! It's so much more than I ever though iPads could be! I'll post in threads here and there as I see fit, but I guess I just wanted to introduce myself and see if there were any quick tips anyone has to offer a new iPad owner - especially if there are an free must have apps. I