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Tattoo Bradley info

Hi everyone. My name is Bradley and as the screen name implies, I have a few tattoos. I actually worked as a professional tattooist for a few years and the name was really more of a reference to older traditional tattooist taking "tattoo" on as a title.

I've been an iPad user since the iPad 1 :ipad-case: rolled out last year, and an Apple user for several years. I started with a 16gb 3g model and recently upgraded to a the iPad 2 but a 16gb WiFi only model. I was so disgusted that I'd missed the unlimited grandfathering on the 3G models that I rarely used the 3G feature. When I did I found the data racked up pretty quickly. So when I upgraded to the iPad 2 I decided I'd save myself the 130 bucks and 3G (and sometimes 4G) my iPad via my Sprint HTC Evo's unlimited data Hotspot. A great choice so far. :)

I always love to find like-minded people with passion for the same things I have. So, here I am. I look forward to mixing it up with you all.

Good to hear from you. You’ll find a whole bunch of iPad enthusiasts in this Forum who are only too willing to help other iPad owners and to hear of their experiences. Don’t be afraid to post any questions you may have or use the ‘Search’ button near the top of the Forum web page. I usually find I discover one new interesting and useful piece of information about my iPad every day - and often not even what I was looking for!!

Hope to hear from you soon with your thoughts about the iPad.

Have fun and enjoy your iPad

If you don’t already have it you can download a copy of the iPad manual for free.

Apple - Support - Manuals

Please read the rules too!!


Welcome Bradley! I've been a tattooer for the last 23 years, why did you stop?

Glad on our choice of wifi model, I'm doing the same thing and saving bucks on it...
Hi Max. In a nutshell the shop I worked in closed. I was dead broke and disgruntled after a stint of hanging on to keep it afloat for a friend. So when we locked the doors I found myself in dire need work so I found work in my previous field (laboratory). The money was good and I ended up finishing school online and found myself in management. Seven years later here I am. I miss it terribly of course, but its one of those things.

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