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Terra Browser does not open MKV in GoodPlayer


iPF Noob
I hope this is the right section to post this problem. I downloaded an MKV file using Terra Browser. When I go into "saved file" and I tap on the mkv file, a warning message appears saying that "File has no associated applications on this iPad"..... of course, I do have an application which plays mkv's, which is GoodPlayer....

Since I do not know who manages the file association table (is there an iOS one only or does each app have its own? ) I cannot understand where the problem is.

Any clues ? Is this working "as designed" ?

PS: I had to change the post since I reported the problem incorrectly initally. sorry about that.
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To be listed in the 'open in...' menu, an app should 'register' the filetypes with the system. In this case, if GoodPlayer didn't register .mkv as a filetype it can open, it won't appear in the 'open in...' menu.
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I agree with the last poster. A way around it is to download the file using GoodReader itself - it has an in-built web-browser that is specifically designed to download files. Once inside GoodReader you'll be able to play the file.

Thank you both for clarifying. I went to look at the GoodReader site and found the following about audio and video file support:

You have to make sure that your audio files have one of the following extensions: .aac, .adts, .ac3, .aif, .aiff, .aifc, .caf, .mp3, .m4a, .snd, .au, .sd2, wav
You have to make sure that your video files have one of the following extensions: .mov, .mp4, .m4v, .3gp, .mpv

It does not list mkv files. Are you sure it will register this specific file type and allow me to open mkv files in external players or play it itself ?
It sounds like an app I might buy anyway sooner or later but I'd like to fix this problem first.
I saw other video player apps that have a built in browser, so that could also be a solution at this point, although I pretty much liked the way goodplayer treats hd files.
Quick update. I was able to download a MKV file with the built in browser in "filer lite" and then I was able to open it in GoodPlayer but only after renaming the file in AVI (a trick that generally works on Windows since mkv and avi are both containers).
On a separate note, I also wrote to Readdle to ask about Terra and learned that Apple asked them to remove Terra from the AppStore so if you have it installed, make sure you do not remove it......

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