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TerraByte Storage for iPad?


iPF Novice
I still have a lot of experimenting to do but this looks promising.

I purchased a WD My Book World Edition NAS. It has an option to expose Linux via SSH. So far I can log on and view directories on the iPad using an iPad SSH client. I am hoping that I will find a way to use an existing Perl script that I have to copy photos from my camera's SD card to a shared directory on the NAS.

I have two printers on my network with SD card slots that can be read over the network.

Once the files are on the NAS I can use an IPad uPNP client to view the images. In fact WD has an app called WD Photo that seems to work quite well.

It's early days but I think that I can make it work.
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I bought the exact same device. I use FileBrowser to access it from the iPad. It reads pictures, video and music by itself. Plus it will get files directly from the computer host.

The WD app requires a Mionet account which is a cloud storage free for one month...
I bought the exact same device. I use FileBrowser to access it from the iPad. It reads pictures, video and music by itself. Plus it will get files directly from the computer host.

The WD app requires a Mionet account which is a cloud storage free for one month...

FileBrowser looks quite good. It copied a file from an SD card on my printer to the NAS. I think that I will still need. script for multiple files though.
I bought the exact same device. I use FileBrowser to access it from the iPad. It reads pictures, video and music by itself. Plus it will get files directly from the computer host.

The WD app requires a Mionet account which is a cloud storage free for one month...

FileBrowser looks quite good. It copied a file from an SD card on my printer to the NAS. I think that I will still need. script for multiple files though.

The more that I look at FileBrowser, the more I like it.

It can be used to copy multiple files and I have suggested that they add a filter mechanisn for the source files. That way you could filter for *.jpg files and copy them to one destination then *.raw files to another destination.

A bonus is also being able to create and manage the destination directories.

It' s not bad for viewing photos as well.
Is Photos the only software on the iPad that can read from an SD card?

When you use the Camera Connection Kit the image files end up in the "Camera Roll" and in theory are only available to Photos. Apps are starting to appear that can move files in and out of the Camera Roll however, WD Photo for example.
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Hmm iVan - I have filebrowser on my iPad and have a configured MyBook World (first edition blue rings) running on a MioNet account.

How did you manage to get it up and running ?

neur0n said:
Hmm iVan - I have filebrowser on my iPad and have a configured MyBook World (first edition blue rings) running on a MioNet account.

How did you manage to get it up and running ?


I have the second edition and I didn't install MioNet because it acts like cloud storage and they charge you for it.

First you need to configure MyBook World with a computer. Find the online manual and read the whole thing. Then install the software with the CD that came with the drive. When that's done go to computer/network and there is the drive. All you do is use it like any drive, thumb-drive or flash card. The iPad will see it easily without trouble when you give FileBrowser the proper IP address while setting it up. To find it go through your router info. Set your computer up in FileBrowser and you will also be able to transfer files from the computer to the MyBook World drive remotely from the iPad!:)

If you want to be a hard user and set security parameters you have to login first in the drive with the user name of "admin". That took some reading for me to find out!!!

Sent from my iPad using iPF

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