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Texting from IPad2 Wifi


iPF Noob
Mar 21, 2011
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I am planning a trip to Spain. Can anyone recommend a good app or program for texting from Spain to US. Does Google Voice work? I never texted before. I only have the WiFI version. Thanks
You can go on several different carrier websites, and use a JavaScript form to send texts. Should work on IPad. Receiving? That's trickier, i'd think!
Line 2. You can make phone calls on your iPad 2 now also. I use earphones so my calls are not on speaker! Has texting too First 30 days is free, then a small monthly fee. I use mine a lot and cut back my minutes on my carrier since I now use Line 2 most of the time.
How do you make phone calls? What apps?
You can make phone calls from your iPad by using the app Line 2. You can also text from Line 2. I have it on my iPhone 4 also and it saves me lots of money on my bill. I just plug in my earphones, otherwise everything will be on speaker! The app has good videos for its usage, too. You can also record your own voicemail greeting, etc. Their main site is Virtual PBX: Hosted Small Business VoIP Phone Systems | Toktumi. Really like this app. I've had it about 6 months on my iPhone and then use it on my iPad 2 also. It's a hoot for me to hear my iPad ring! Enjoy!:)
I tried to text using google talk and it worked perfectly. :)
I have just tried to find line 2 in the app store and couldn't find it? Is it US store only?

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
I'm presently in Canada and was able to download the free trial. However, when I went to send a text to my daughter in Canada, it wouldn't let me. SMS is not available for Canada.

This is the message ... Note: Toll-Free and Canadian-issued Line2 numbers cannot send SMS messages.
Must say I'm disappointed as it sounded like a wonderful program.
Well at least you can make phone calls using Line 2. I save $25. a month on my phone bill as I was able to omit the costly unlimited plan I had and drop to the lowest plan for iPhone. You might also check on the Toktumi website and see if they have any ideas for the texting.

As far as the UK goes, I don't know, but you might want to go to the website for Line 2, Virtual PBX: Hosted Small Business VoIP Phone Systems | Toktumi and send them a message on when it will be available where you are.
FaceTime for calls is the best one (only iPad 2). Have tried it from Sweden to Spain. One of my relatives has used it from Manila to Madrid and he mentioned that the communication was perfect.

Has not always been like this with Skype for me, with PCs or my iPhone 4.
Skype for iPad is not there yet. I don't really like Skype for iPhone on the iPad. So small!

Question for DontUnderstandMyIpad:
I have just installed Vtok. Doesn't look from Google. Is if safe to login with my gmail account. Who are these guys?
Swecodelico said:
I have just installed Vtok. Doesn't look from Google. Is if safe to login with my gmail account. Who are these guys?

Vtok is not from Google, but I don't know the developers, nor do I know any developer from the other apps I use. The developers also offer vtok for android and their facebook site looks fine. So far I have been using vtok without any problems, nor do I expect any.

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