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The first 48 hours with my iPad


iPF Noob
iPad - first impressions after 48 hours

I researched the iPad on line and had a touchy - feely one hour session at Best Buy. Finding an iPad at a local retailer was not in the realm of possibility so I ordered it online from the Apple Store. I opted for the 16GB wi-fi version ( $500 ) knowing it was the basic iPad and if need be I could always order a 32GB or 64GB model at a later date. FedEx delivered the iPad 18 days later, and I have been getting acquainted with it for exactly 48 hours, as a matter of fact I am typing on it at this moment.

A friend just emailed me and asked what was the difference between the iPad and a laptop. #1 is lightweight portability - it's really a " take it with you everywhere " device. I purchased a foam sleeve fitted for the iPad which fits like a glove and that fits into a padded handgun carrying case ( which looks like a small laptop carrying bag ) *making it very transportable. It was a pain lugging the MacBook around town. #2 is the price of the iPad ( 50% less than a new MacBook ) and the functionality equal to that of my recently sold MacBook. With built in wi-fi I can use it around the house with my Airport / Time Capsule as well as traveling, the 3G model iPad was not a consideration due to the added monthly expense to AT&T. #3 is the applications available from the App Store are numerous and inexpensive and being released on a daily basis. Examples include: A1 PERFECT web browser for $.99 which runs circles around the supplied Safari iPad application, Easy Notes Pro, another $.99 replacement for the supplied Notes application. Plus a number of FREE applications including Skype, iBooks, Kindle reader, DropBox - *a utility to sync files from computer to iPad , Sudoku daily, USA Today and many more.

Address Book contacts, Safari bookmarks and iCalendar entries were transferred to the iPad on it's first sync.

Typing on the touch screen is very straight forward, an optional wireless keyboard is available. Watching a DVD movie ( The Hurt Locker ) is very impressive with 1024 x 768 pixel resolution. 10 hour battery life is another bonus ( vs 6 hours on my MacBook ). To date I have 22 application, 1 DVD movie, 1 photo screen saver and have 12.7GB remaining of the available 14GB on the iPad - I assume the other 2GB's are used by the operating system and imbedded applications. ***

What is missing on the iPad - the only thing that I miss is multitasking , which is rumored to be in the new O/S upgrade, due out this summer. Printing is another requested feature from iPad users, however several " work arounds " as well as printing utilities are starting to show up from developers. With 2 million iPads sold in the first sixty days there are a number of iPad *developers jumping on the band wagon.

Would I sell my MacBook and buy an iPad again - in a heart beat !

I had the same exact situAtion happen, although I straight up traded my old MacBook for a 64GB wifi model. Wouldn't go back now, the thing does all I need it to, and I love it!
Multitasking is nice but can work easy around it.

Got a 64/3G Last month. Been having a lot of fun with it. Been takeing the iPad on service calls. Nice to be able to lookup thing in the field. Or test emails etc. Log me In & Dropbox Apps are great!

Hint: AirVideo app is another great one. It streams video and converts on the fly if needed. No hiccups! And has a beta part that would allow streaming over the internet.
I miss being able to actually have more than 1 or 2 safari pages in memory at once. It's impossible to open facebook links without losing your place (for one common example).

Anyway, that problem will go away once they ship a device with more memory.
I find I'm perfectly happy with no multitasking. Just like to concentrate on what's in front of me.
The fact that I spend more time on my iPad than my other machines tells me that it's a bit overrated. Sure it nice to have handbrake working in the background but the pad isn't designed for heavy lifting.

More memory would be nice though, for both of us......

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