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The iPad 2 instead of books


iPF Noob
Hey People!,

I am using my iPad2 for my college at the moment and it works great. I work with these apps:
iStudiez Pro (also on my iPhone)

But, then a problem comes around the corner. The point that frustrates me, is that when i import a word-document into Pages, I get the follwing thing:
"pages has changed text letter from (for example)Times new roman into ....."
The point is that, the document I see is wrong, the text doesn't fit nice into the textboxes anymore, changed text letters etcetera etcetera..

That gives me the conclusion that I can't use Pages like I (and a lot of people with me) want to use Pages for,.. Changing documents when I am on my way. This problem i don't only have with Pages, but also Keynote and definetly Numbers!

Does somebody has a solution for that? It doesn't matter if I have to pay for it,.. I would just like to have a solution and use the apps like they are supposed to use!

Thanks in advance,
Jeroen Meertens
There are no apps for the iPad that are going to be 100% compatible with Microsoft Office. It's just not possible to support that behemoth on a tablet, yet.

However, each app has it's own strengths and weaknesses and you may find one of the other popular apps fits your needs more closely. Here are couple reviews of the more popular Office Suite compatible apps; including the iWorks apps.

Compare iWorks, Office 2 HD, Documents to Go, QuickOffice by richsdams

Office Apps Comparison by RedCoil (details and examples, very long)

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