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The missing print app


iPF Noob
You might or should know the situation, you have found a super brownie recepie on net, you want to print it.

It is the second page on a larg webpage of say 26 pages;

On a mac no problem, you specify page 2 of 2.
The Ipad / airprint Safari prints it all, every 26 pages, nearly emptying my expensive printer cartridges ;((

I havent found any regular Appstore app that fix this,

But I am sure some of you Cydia folks must have fixed such a print range utility ??
Have a look at the Cydia tweak "TruPrint." ($9.99, USD). With it, you can select the page range that you wish.

I can't tell you if it'll be compatible with your setup. All I know is that it works with my Canon wireless printer (MX800) and my iPad3.

There may be other printING apps. This works for me - YMMV.

Oh yes I installed this true print before I posted ;)

Nope. No page range options. My hp 5510 still doesnt display neither double sided nor page range in Safari.
Huh. Neither does it work for my Canon (in Safari). I checked TruPrint out with Goodreader and the Notes app. I made an assumption it was the same across the board. My bad.

What if you use TruPrint (or any PDF maker, for that matter) to make the web page a PDF. Then, open the PDF in something like Goodreader. Then, you can select the pages you wish to print...

The PDF option might do the trick, but Im to lazy to try it ;))

Honestly I m "riding a principle" here.

I might accept the official apps Appstore never will give us these option, not at ios 6, not even at next years 7 .....

But I simply cannot understand why them hackers at Cydia wont fix such a practical problem!
There are lots of fancy themes and icons, but no decent Airprint hacks. Shame on you ;))

Sorry no offence folks, I just get so exagg about this missing link :))
Oh yes I installed this true print before I posted ;)

Nope. No page range options. My hp 5510 still doesnt display neither double sided nor page range in Safari.

Since Safari (a web browser) does not normally paginate it would require an extra layer, to convert the website to a document with pages. I'm not arguing whether Apple should include that layer or not, just an observation that for the app type, the limitation is understandable.

Quicker than using an app as Marilyn suggests would be to use the PDFmyURL bookmarklet to convert the web page to PDF. Once you are viewing the PDF in Safari, select the Print option. Range is now available. Probably because there are now pages to choose.


I did not know this before I started typing. I was going to suggest using OpenIn to copy the PDF to another app and printing from there. On a whim I check Safari's printing options again before using OpenIn, and was pleasantly surprised.
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Oh, now that's cool! Serendipity - ya gotta love it.

Thanks for this, twerppoet. Good to know.

Problem solved.

Mercury browser.

Has indeed this missing print option Page Range !!

So now I get printed page 1 and 2 of that lovely brownie recipe.
Safari would print all 7 pages, 2 pp with recipe, 5 with ads ;)

And of course that fantastic Browser Changer app on Cydia,
- that means no more slow and sluggish uncorporative Safari for me ;)

Thank you very much all of you, I just knew the solutions was to find in them App/Cydia stores !

Being off - in a cold part of the world, that icy freezing mountains of Norway, such brownies might cheer us up ....

Today I made my favourite - naan bread, them people lurking around a tandori oven, really know ways to enjoy life
- go and see the movie "Life of Pi" !

Mezmerising, Elysian and marvellous, not often these words could be used on the same movie experience ;)

Back to topic;


Another fantastic iOS app!

I have been looking for a really good wikipedia - and kind of stayed at that usable Wikipanion.
No more! Works like Safari, it prints all and every page, even those lengthy References at end ;(

So - Wikibot !

Maybe the app developers finally are realizing the true need of page range option??

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