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There's an App for that ?


iPF Noob
Hi Guys,

First off, I'm new to this forum, so I'd like to introduce myself, because it's just rude appearing on a forum, asking questions, without saying more about yourself!

I'm a 22 year old male from the Ottawa (From Canada; US's hat ^_^) I own a sign shop, where we do vinyl cutting and digital printing. The business was started by my father, and he's still "old-school" in certain forms of technology, such as invoicing and order processing. We're a two people company, so we don't have the funds to upgrade everything to the latest high-tech trends. And that's exactly why I'm interested in knowing a little more about an App or two; which you guys would probably be my best available information!

Here's my situation:

We manually take orders. Basically, when a customer walk's in, we take our 8.5" x 11 sheet of paper, and draw a hand-sketch of what the customer is asking us for. We then write quantities/colors/ additional information.

What I'd like to know, is if there is a certain application that would permit me to use my own "template background" (which would be the model of my current 8.5" x 11" sheet) on which I could then write all my information (and actually draw my sketch in the right colors).

It doesn't need to be a hair-accurate App; I only need to draw a square with the actual sizes, and the text/logo/pictures/price of my specific order.

Once that is done, I would like to be able to save my sketch under the desired file name, and transfer it to my computer (either sending it out to my personal e-mail, or auto-syncing (I use a PC for my printing)).

Please let me know if you have any idea of apps name I might be wanting to try-out!

Have a great day, and I wish you all a happy new years!
One cool thing about Note Taker HD is the ability to make a PDF as a template within the app. So, you can design/scan a piece of paper with all your info on it and put it into Note Taker HD as a background. Then, you can always pull up that background to make your necessary notes and drawings on it. You can then e-mail yourself that PDF for printing purposes.

Just a thought...
Thanks! I'll look them up!

I knew this was the right place to find all my needed answers !

iDraw also allows you to set a background image from your photos. Since iDraw can also export JPEG images to 'photos' you can use iDraw to create your background image/template.


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