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ThinkGeek Launches Aluminium Joystick-It Arcade Stick for iPad


iPadForums News Team

Someone has clearly identified a gap in the market for iPad joysticks as there have been several on show at this year’s CES, which is of course the first CES since the iPad was released. After the clear plasticky Fling was launched the other day by Ten One Designs, Engadget reports that ThinkGeek has come up with its own, very stylish, solid-milled aluminium iPad joystick, called the Joystick-It. The Joystick-It can be attached to the iPad screen, simply by pressing down, presumably using some sort of suction device, and then used to control any game that has an on-screen control pad. To remove the Joystick-It from the screen, simply pull it up. No wires or batteries are required. Check out the video to see how it works – it really fits in well with the iPad’s style.

The Joystick-It iPad Arcade Stick will be available to buy later this month for $24.95, although only in limited quantities, for some reason. Check out ThinkGeek’s website to learn more and add yourself to the mailing list.

Source: ThinkGeek Joystick-It brings arcade-style fun to your otherwise mundane tablet gaming experience -- Engadget
Is anybody else disappointed with these? I find the suction cup is too small to stick to the screen and it comes unattached very easily. This makes gaming on the ipad very poor.

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