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Thinking about buy an iPad give me some advice!

Congrats on the purchase. I think I may wind up buying one in lieu of a laptop, and get a mac mini as my primary home computer. For my needs, I only need my portable device to be an entertainment/media player. My next dilemma is deciding whether I want the current Ipad with its 9.7" screen, or wait for the next generation pad with more features but reduced 7" screen size.

Thanks! Id definetly go with an iPad, just saying :D ...it's pretty awesome!
Thanks! Id definetly go with an iPad, just saying :D ...it's pretty awesome!

Yea I wanted to see the Android tablets too, but all of the current ones are horrible and I really have no need for a 7" device since I have an HTC EVO 4G which works well where the iPad would be too much to carry. Although the Samsung Tab sounds cool.

If you do decide to go with a 7", come back here and let us know what you think of the Android system for that.

Actually guys when I say the 'next generation' pad, I mean the next Ipad. I wasn't seriously considering anything else, besides maybe the galaxy. My main decision is either getting the current pad with it's 9.7 screen, or getting the 2nd gen Ipad with the updated features, but smaller screen size. I kinda like the extra real estate on the current ipad...
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Reading all this just reminds me - for some of my senior-level coursework at university, the exams were "open-book", i.e. you could bring any reference material into the examination hall. One lecturer even told us, "you can bring the entire library in with you, if you can."

How I wish we had such devices then - that'd show them.
...the exams were "open-book", i.e. you could bring any reference material into the examination hall. One lecturer even told us, "you can bring the entire library in with you, if you can."
I had a physics professor like that who said you can use any reference material you want to get your answers. So on one exam, I asked him, "What is the answer to #4?" and by golly, he said , "D - all of the above!" It was actually the right answer and of course he had to give everyone credit for it! Hey, you never know unless you ask, right?
Good luck with your new iPad and good luck in school. And remember what my daddy told me before I went to college, "Never let school get in the way of your education!" Smart man!

I think my "education" (in undergraduate school, anyway) approximately comprised of:

* one-third what I learnt in school
* one-third travelling abroad and assimilating their culture
* one-third getting along and playing nice with other people

(Individual mileage may vary from person to person, of course.)
Actually guys when I say the 'next generation' pad, I mean the next Ipad. I wasn't seriously considering anything else, besides maybe the galaxy. My main decision is either getting the current pad with it's 9.7 screen, or getting the 2nd gen Ipad with the updated features, but smaller screen size. I kinda like the extra real estate on the current ipad...
Ah, so no plans to get a pad any time in the near future then. The next gen iPad's will be next spring, and there is no evidence that Apple is considering anything between iPhone and iPad in size. Except some wild conjecture on the rumor sites. But bare in mind they are only right about 20% of the time. :o
I think there is enough interest in the 7" iPad to warrant production. Just as the iPod Touch and Nano models have customer bases, it should be the same with the 7". When will be the issue. If enough good 7" competitors are introduced, it will a given. Since Apple likes to be the first out, they may have something this spring. The big question is what will go away because of the smaller size.
I read something the other day( another rumor perhaps?) that Apple was considering abandoning the 9.7" size entirely and going with 7" for Ipad 2. One such reason was to avoid cannibalizing their macbook sales( consider the number of people on here and other apple-centric forums that have opted for an ipad in place of a macbook, hell I'm considering doing that myself).

Assuming there's any truth behind that, wouldn't the 7" pad potentially cannibalize the Ipod touch sales? Especially considering that 1) a 7" inch pad isn't much more portable than the current size. Neither one fits in your pocket, if you're talking portability, and 2) it was mentioned that the price would be lower than the current Ipad. Which would bring it into the ipod touch price range. Unless they drop the price of the touch line across the board, I can't see anyone buying a Touch if an Ipad is priced right around the corner, unless they 'really' need a pocket size device. Speaking strictly in value for dollar though, who would buy a touch over a Pad if they're fairly close in price, taking into account the various models depending on storage size, of course.

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