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'This computer has previously been synced with an iPad or another iOS device' msg ?


iPF Noob
I had not tried to sync my iPad with iTunes for several weeks and had to reinstall iTunes. I plugged in my iPad yesterday to sync the device and receive the following message: 'This computer has previously been synced with an iPad or another iOS device.' My options are: 'Set up as new iPad' or 'Restore from the backup of: lawrence_iPad_64GB_3G' + Last synced 8/3/2011 1:30 AM. I tried the latter option of restore and after completed does nothing but display the same message I described above as if it is stuck in a loop. Also when I did the restore this it wiped out all of my settings/configurations/data since 8/3.... Since I lost settings/data I tried the restore a second time and just keep getting this same message. Sent iTunes support an email - they responded with all standard stuff like de-autorize/authorize computer, check that I have latest iPad iOS and iTunes which I am up to date on both. Even tried the trick I've seen posted elsewhere to unplug USB cable after the sync message comes up (when selecting the restore option) and replug back in after sync msg goes away however this didn't work either (apparently this works for some but I'm not one of them). Running Win XP and have the original iPad-1 64GB/3G. HELP PLEASE - Thanks !!!
I think this is a question for one of our most experienced posters, twerp poet, who knows everything there is to know about iTunes synchronisation. I'm sure he'll be along soon but, if not, you might PM him.

If I understand, you did a restore from backup, not a restore, and the iPad is working, but you lost your stuff since the last backup, and iTunes still insists on erasing or restoring your iPad.

If this is correct, then try right clicking on the iPad under the Devices list in iTunes (after canceling the dialog) and choose Transfer Purcases. This normally fixes this issue. If you have a lot of stuff on the iPad that is not in iTunes the trancefer may take a while, so budget your time accordingly.

Not much I can do for the lost apps and/ or music except tell you that you can probably download most of it again for free.
It sounds to me like you have a corrupt file on IOS which, until fixed, will mean iTunes will never play nice with this iPad. :(
Assuming I am understanding that you have only tried the "restore from backup option" so far, what you need to do is perform a full IOS restore using iTunes. i.e. connect the iPad and press the "restore" button in iTunes on the summary page related to your iPad.
Hopefully, once the OS restore is complete you will be able to restore your previous backup as it is likely to be a system file rather than one of you own user files which is corrupted. Fingers crossed that will work. You will still have lost the data since the last time you backed up, but at least you should have some of your settings and data.

Let us know how you get on.
lawrence.m said:
I had not tried to sync my iPad with iTunes for several weeks and had to reinstall iTunes.

Are you certain you aren't unknowingly logged in with multiple accounts? ITunes is quite stupid about this. Look under the iTunes Store to see what account you are using.
Thanks to all who have replied

I appreciate all of the suggestions which make total sense HOWEVER I cannot get past the message which is the topic of this thread. In other words I don't have access to the context menus to transfer purchases, cannot get to device summary to reload OS, etc. I agree with the comment to reload the OS, does anyone know if I can download the OS dirctly to my iPad w/out using iTunes? Again thanks to all who have contributed. I hate the thought of having to get Apple Care involved for a $29/incident charge however may be my only option. Will keep you all posted. Larry M.
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Ah, i misread. I thought it was the iPad previously synced with another computer one. I've never seen this and have no idea how to deal with it.
Ouch. Thanks for that twerp. I MISREAD IT TOO.

Sorry Larry. I see you have posted on the official Apple forum where others have had this message too. I've personally never seen it. Hopefully you'll get some help there.
GREAT NEWS TO ALL WHO HAVE REPLIED! I used Apple Care after complaining to iTunes Support... they provided me a number to call which normally costs $29.95. I spoke to a very nice US Tech that instructed me to select the other option 'Set up as new iPad' which had me very paranoid... To all select this option and your problems are solved. It DOES NOT delete any of your data/apps/content plus you can use the same device name. This was so simple however the option description leads one to believe you are resetting to factory settings and starting from scratch. I did suggest to Apple Tech that they post this in their Knowledge Base as I apparently have not been the 1st to experience this. Thanks Again to all who have cared and replied.
GREAT NEWS TO ALL WHO HAVE REPLIED! I used Apple Care after complaining to iTunes Support... they provided me a number to call which normally costs $29.95. I spoke to a very nice US Tech that instructed me to select the other option 'Set up as new iPad' which had me very paranoid... To all select this option and your problems are solved. It DOES NOT delete any of your data/apps/content plus you can use the same device name. This was so simple however the option description leads one to believe you are resetting to factory settings and starting from scratch. I did suggest to Apple Tech that they post this in their Knowledge Base as I apparently have not been the 1st to experience this. Thanks Again to all who have cared and replied.

Oh my God thank you for getting back to say this. That is an AWFUL system message. I can't believe how poor the choice of words is. What they mean is "This is a new iPhone that this installation of iTunes has never seen before. Do you want to *set up iTunes* to recognise and support this phone on this machine? No changes will be made to your iPhone."
Thanks for your input; we always appreciate members helping each other out.

However, this is an old thread. Either the original poster has found the answer elsewhere or has moved on (last post was in October 2011).

Therefore, this thread is closed. Thanks for your understanding.


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