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Thoughts from an old pc guy


iPF Novice
It's going to be a couple of weeks before I get my iPad 2. In the meantime, I've been learning about the iPad via YouTube, apps sites, and of course this forum. And when I get the chance, I go over to my sister's and use hers from time to time.

After using pc's for the last thirty years or so and the advent of the iPad, I've come to the conclusion that Steve Jobs is the only guy in the computer industry that thinks about the end user. The iPad defines the term "user friendly". It's like everyone else in the industry has an attitude the says, "Let's design the computer to do the task this way and let the user figure it out for himself"! I can't wait to get my iPad 2! :D
it's an odd one though.....

i'm a pc user for well over 20 years, and only starting using macs in the last 5. (not instead of, but together with my pc's).

and i personally hate the mac os. cant stand it. even down to the mouse movement. i love the mac concept and ethos, but i just cant get on and like the main os.
yet, Apple's hardware and mobile devices (with the ios) are a pure dream to use and work with. wouldn't be without my Apple devices now. the ipad and my Windows pc's are a perfect combination for my lifestyle :)

Apple's a well thought out operation, where as Windows is a ram-shackled os with not a hint of finesse imo (even though i much prefer to use it). too much open sourced. i'd love a perfect combination between the 2.
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I used macs exclusively in the 80s working in graphic design. Then worked with pcs only since. iPad is not a Mac - at all. Totally different from a Mac or pc. It's everything a tablet device should be and that's enough for me :)
It's a computer as an appliance.
Apple are lucky as they could design an os with worrying about legacy hardware and software.
Sadly the legacy wetware remains.......
I was an Apple guy from 1984 through 1997 then I had to switch to a PC for work. Last April I purchased an iPad and fell in love with it. Purchased the second one last May for my wife. Became an Apple developer, launched my first app in September. Since then I have bought a Mac Mini, Airport Extreme and the 2 TB Time Machine. I am looking forward to the iPhone 5 and iPad 3. That kind of says it all for me.

Sent from my iPad 64 GB, WiFi, 3G using iPF

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