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Time Capsule Streaming with Iphone or Ipad


iPF Noob
Hi, I'm looking for some help in streaming videos from my time capsule, I have tried BUZZplayer it works fine with AVI files, but not with MKV files, there is no sound (most of my movies are in MKV) I don't have a ipad 4 yet, but I have been trying this from my iphone 5 so far.

The reason why I need this to work is, in summer i'm planning a long road trip, and I'm going to be using 2 ipads with headrest clamps to hold them in the car, and having a time capsule in the boot with all the films streamed straight off them with the ipads (that's the theory at least)

is there any other program i could use that looks straight onto the TC and streams from an ipad or iphone?

also tried FileBrowser, not much luck in streaming with it!
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Ah, sorry - missed that. Handbrake? If you start now you might have them done by Summer, lol ;)

If you find a solution, post the answer back here - and good luck.

Cheers, Pete
Well so far the I have found 2 solutions:

1. BUZZ Player for some reason plays some MKV's with sound and some with not (probably due to some kind of audio encoding) also, once switched up to 5Ghz wifi connection streaming got slightly smother even with a 6Gb MKV file, but not perfect.

2. Using File Browser, you select the film you want to watch from the TC, there will be a small blue arrow next to the file, select that and it will bring up options what you want to do with that file, choose "Open In" then I choose AVPlayer, it starts downloading from the TC and after a while (if 1.7Gb MKV file on 5Ghz took me 7 mins to transfer) it will open the movie in AVPlayer. AVPlayer can play any type of file with no problems, haven't found one yet which won't.
It's a lot easier then it sounds.

I know the 2nd option is not quite streaming, but at least it is one solution.

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