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Are you using the iPad's native Safari browser? You can get a Bookmarks Bar and there's a search window in the menu bar for Google. What particular tools were you interested in?

There is no chance of getting the Yahoo toolbar, or any toolbar for that matter, to work with iPad browsers. Apple doesn't allow third-party products to interfere with their own software, they simply don't allow others to change Safari.
What on that do you want? You cannot get the exact yahoo toolbar, but it is possible that some of the third party browsers will have enough of what you want...
I'm interested in this too. I use the Mercury browser primarily on my iPad 2 and would love to have the ability to access my Yahoo Bookmarks I have saved on my Yahoo Toolbar and can access on my PC and Mac devices.
I am actually talking about the yahoo and google tool bars one gets only if you use mozilla firefox as your browser. It is nice because there will be 2 bars at he top of the screen giving bookmarks,mail,facebook,ebay etc.It will not show in IE or googlechrome.
The IPAD2 help said there is no way safari can be replaced with firefox.I started this thread to get more opinions in case I overlooked something.Thanks for all the suggestions.

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