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Top 5 iPad Apps you'd pay for?


Staff member
Stumbled upon another interesting news article/blog post and it brought up a good question. What are the top 5 iPad apps you'd pay for?

Myself, I'd love to see Rosetta Stone for the iPad. It's the perfect platform to learn another language on.

Not sure what else I consider a "killer" app other then iChat at this point.

What about yourself?

Oh yah, and article here: Site Comparison of everythingq.com (rank #643,617), everythingwm.com (#74,823) | Compete
iTeleport previously JaaduVNC previously Teleport for iPhone

Jaadu RDP





I can only think of 4 for now:

1. Logic Audio
2. A midi controller keyboard app (something more polished than iTM MidiLab)
3. iWeb
4. iPhoto

I'm pretty sure they'll never release Logic for the iPad, but one can dream. I do have a feeling there will be plenty of apps for music production though - including some midi controller apps.
I'd also love to be able to post updates to my site using iWeb while I'm on the go. Plus, being able to edit and post photos from the iPad using iPhoto and my MobileMe account would be very cool.
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My top 5 (in no particular order)
Remote program (like Hippo Remote for iPhone)
Sudoku game
Note taking program (like this one)​

I can't wait to see what developers come up with that I haven't thought of ;).

Something that can put together movie clip sdownloaded to the iPad. I want to use it for my football video (High school coach) so that I can have film ready for my coaches asap without waiting for all the download and build time at home.
Chrome Browser (major longshot)
Half Life 2 (def possible...get on it valve!!!)
Not really a wishful, since I will be able to play it, but I can't wait for field runners...but it would be really cool for them to make an iPad specific version
Starcraft 2 would be pretty sweet!
I read that ID is going to be porting Rage, which would be cool.
iWeb (and the entire iLife suite of apps)
MLB at bat (so looking forward to this one)
iWork (all of their apps for sure)
some type of nice SCP client for SSH, FTP, SFTP
An APP review APP; to keep track of most popular ; most reviewed; Hottest buzz

Wireless APP: allow external usb modem ( I.E. AT&T quicksilver) ; to browse when out of range of wifi ( I already pay AT&T for the service; make it compatible)

Push mail ( like for iphone)
You gota have feildrunners!!!!!!
App like big oven all food recipes
some sorta news Reading app that every morning u get ur news first thing !!!!!
The list is endless

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