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Torrents on iPad

Anyone wishing to control their PC doing the grunt work of torrent downloading could use iTeleport which is a cool app that I recommend for anyone doing any kind of remote work.

Alternatively, uTorrent supports a built-in webserver to control the torrents.

UTorrent mobile client - Forums - Torrent - The Lightweight and Efficient BitTorrent Client

Legal torrents are very popular. Not as popular as illegal torrents, which I don't condone.

I personally collect and share old microfiche government sponsored documents called "Appropriate Technology" with lots of cool stuff like how the Peace Corps trained farmers, fisherman, topics of sanitation etc over the bit torrent network.

None of this is against the rules. Even, apparently the type of torrents that I won't talk about.

I personally use AirVideo to look at all my videos (of any format, including Flash and .MKV) wirelessly from my PC to iPhone/iPad. It is a universal app, and works great and is highly recommended.
@numlock are these microfiche public torrents? In other words what do in search for..... BTW I use utorrent on my little netbook, and I seldom actually download anything..... But I enjoy obscure old, indie label Christian rock stuff from the 70's and 80's, and torrents are the only place some of it even exist. Those microfiche sound like something I would like ......
@numlock are these microfiche public torrents? In other words what do in search for..... BTW I use utorrent on my little netbook, and I seldom actually download anything..... But I enjoy obscure old, indie label Christian rock stuff from the 70's and 80's, and torrents are the only place some of it even exist. Those microfiche sound like something I would like ......

Yeah, you can find them all over. In fact, I just came across a new collection (13 GB) using Google.

[ame=http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=appropriate+technology+torrent]appropriate technology torrent - Google Search[/ame]

Its like old Peace Corps stuff - tons of it. Growing cabbage and home-produced Methane in Africa. Simple human powered well-digging in India. Occasionally I just want to know how to do stuff...even if I'll never do it of course. But its like the sum-total of public domain knowledge doesn't require machines and electricity, and I wouldn't want to let it die out. So I contribute a little piece of my hard drive to it.
@numlock are these microfiche public torrents? In other words what do in search for..... BTW I use utorrent on my little netbook, and I seldom actually download anything..... But I enjoy obscure old, indie label Christian rock stuff from the 70's and 80's, and torrents are the only place some of it even exist. Those microfiche sound like something I would like ......

Yeah, you can find them all over. In fact, I just came across a new collection (13 GB) using Google.

[ame=http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=appropriate+technology+torrent]appropriate technology torrent - Google Search[/ame]

Its like old Peace Corps stuff - tons of it. Growing cabbage and home-produced Methane in Africa. Simple human powered well-digging in India. Occasionally I just want to know how to do stuff...even if I'll never do it of course. But its like the sum-total of public domain knowledge doesn't require machines and electricity, and I wouldn't want to let it die out. So I contribute a little piece of my hard drive to it.

Thanks, I shall check them out :)
You can try this: itorrent dot ermak dot us (sorry, have no permissions to post links yet)

It's plugin for mobile safari, works both on iphone and ipad

Actually, I am developer who looking for beta-testers
Trying this now...combining this, with my hulu, I can finally shut my PC down for good!

I get my favorite radio show every day from a torrent, and this is perfect.

Only problem I'm seeing is that its really slow...and it shouldn't be....Using uTorrent on my PC, I got this same show in 2 minutes...
Where in the file system do you save an mp3 so you listen to it with the ipod?
Im downloading college lectures but dont know how to access them.
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