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Transfer apps &music from ipad2 to iPad 5

Hobby welder

iPF Noob
So, as soon as I can get an iPad 5, I will be moving all of my apps and music on my iPad 2 over, I can do this via ICloud right? So long as it's the same apple account I can download them on the new one without paying for the item again correct?

Now, as for game progress, do apps have a way to transfer that info?i know one MMO I okay does but I don't know about the rest of my games.

P.S. Has anyone had trouble taking video with their iPad and posting videos to YouTube? It says file type cannot be recognized. What's up with that?
Apps are connected to your Apple ID. As long as you use the same one you used on your other iPad, you just have to download them to your new device, without paying twice.

If you purchased songs in iTunes Store, you can download them there as well, they will be stored in your Music app. (Same Apple ID on both devices.)

It doesn't depend on your iCloud account, but only on your Apple ID, whether or not you can use the same apps/listen to the same music on your new iPad.
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It's usually easier to transfer your data via iTunes compared to iTunes depending on how much data and your speed

Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalk
I'd say it is faster using iTunes and a computer, and 'maybe' more reliable. It's probably easier to use iCloud, assuming your internet is fast enough and you have the time to 'just leave the iPad alone'.

Rather than try to restore everything piece by piece, you can choose to restore your new iPad using a backup from the old one. While it may still require tweaking afterwards, it should transfer most of your stuff, including folders and 'most' game data. I've found the process to be more acurate (if a lot slower) using the iCloud restore from backup rather than the iTunes restore from backup; mostly because it's a one step process with iCloud, instead of a two step (restore and sync) with the computer.

Hold in mind that restoring with iCloud is a bit weird. The initial restore happens fairly fast, and it looks like it's done, and missed putting all your apps and content back. However the app continue to re-appear for even after the device is once again usable. It takes a lot of patience. When I got a new iPhone (replaced for a camera defect) I sat in the Apple Store (playing on the iPad when I wasn't spending more money) for about an hour before the last app was back. And they had a pretty fast internet connection.

On the other hand the first (and only time) I did this on my iPad (over a year ago) I was at home with a much slower connection. Eventually I gave up and restored using the computer and iTunes. It was working, I just didn't have the rest of the day to wait for it to finish.
I setup my iPad 3 in January without iTunes (PC), and it was pretty fast, as far as I remember. In September, I also set up my iPad mini the same way, also fast, and without problems. I use the mini for school mostly, so I didn't transfer all the songs to it, though.
Well, I'm not worried about leaving it alone. I have my current iPad 2. Plus I just got a top of the line router for my house, couple hundred later and my iPad two is a good deal faster and keeping better connection.

And, I don't own an apple PC, I do have a HP desktop, nearly top of the line from about a year ago, and the last time I tried to sync I lost some data.

Thanks for all the replies!

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