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Transfer audiobook from ipad to iphone via Cloud


iPF Noob
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
The concept of the Cloud is baffling me. I just can't "get" it. Most recently, I downloaded an audiobook from the iTunes store on to my iPad. I cAn figure out how to "see" it on my iPhone. Help!

bacmac said:
The concept of the Cloud is baffling me. I just can't "get" it. Most recently, I downloaded an audiobook from the iTunes store on to my iPad. I cAn figure out how to "see" it on my iPhone. Help!


I have the same problem help
As far as I can tell, the cloud doesn't support transferring among devices for audiobooks from iTunes. For me, it's yet another reason to buy audiobooks via Audible, which makes it a cinch to load to multiple devices. The free Audible app works well, too.

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