Hello - I've always dislike music transfers from iTunes and cabling is certainly needed (have not investigated their cloud services, so cannot comment); also, I do my iTunes transfers in manual mode (vs. the trickier automatic sync) - usually define a 'Playlist(s)' in my computer, plug in my iDevice (after about 4 w/ music) and simply drag the Playlists to the device - works fine. A recent nice summary of both methods can be found
NOW, there are iTunes alternatives - I'll just mention a few that I use: 1) File Managers - let me use
iMazing as an example; also have
iExplorer - both require cabling; 2) Wireless Devices - many available - I own two w/ one shown, the
RavPower Hub - check the link, if interested; and 3) iPad Apps Playing Your Purchased Music - will mention one example w/ Amazon.
Retuning to
iMazing (iPad Cabled to MBPro), the 'Music App' can be selected (circled icon on first pic below); iTunes transfer to iPad is an option; next 2 pics show transfer of a Schubert album to my iPad and then a Playlist defined on the device - believe that
iExplorer can do the same (but not tested). Now is this any easier that using iTunes? Well, probably more intuitive; also, the app can be used to do iPad backups cabled.
Finally, over the decades, I've purchased well over 600 CDs from Amazon - w/ their app on my iPad Air 2, I can play any of these albums over my home Wi-Fi network (or other one like in a hotel); listening options include the iPad speakers, device cabled to my den receiver AUX port, and to BT speakers or headphones (or even in my car - the radio accepts BT input). Dave

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