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Transfer Non-DRM books from iPad to Mac


iPF Noob
I read much out of copyright material that I have downloaded to my iPad from the University of Adelaide, Project Gutenberg, and other ebook sources. IOS 4.3.1 seems to permit transfer to computer of books, music, and video from the iTunes Store, but not from other sources. I suppose Apple's concern is DRM.

Is there any other way to transfer this non-DRM material to my computer for back up? If not, I will simply download it to my Mac from its original source. Thanks for any suggestions you may have.
The second solution is my preferred one.

However; anything that is loaded into an app will be backed up when you do a backup in iTunes. No way to get at them, but they are there if you need to restore the iPad. iTunes does a backup by default when you sync. You can also force one by right clicking on the iPad under Devices and choosing Backup.

The exceptions are iBooks, Video, and iPad. That media is synced in iTunes itself. If you have media in those apps that does not show, up double check your sync settings in iTunes. You can also try right clicking on your iPad in iTunes and choose Transfer Purchases.
twerppoet, thanks for the reassurance. I have resynched and tried "Transfer Purchases" a few times, but these books have never shown in my iPad library. If I ever must restore my iPad, I guess I'll find out. Dan6MT

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