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Transfer Photos


iPF Noob
Hi everyone - New to this site and it's awesome! - someone stole my ipad so I purchased the new retina display and it's awesome - Question - when I connect my ipad to my computer and go to the information screen and scroll over to photos - I want to transfer pictures from my computer to my ipad. Ex. I have on my computer a file called August 2013 which has 54 pictures , I also have a file that says September 2013 that has 30 pictures - I want to transfer those files to my ipad - I don't want to transfer 1,000 pictures in my Photoshop file. So I click on Sync photos from _____ - I use the drop down box and choose folder which is August 2013 - I click on sync and they are transferred - I then repeat and choose September-- However when I click sync and they are transferred - the August file is replaced - gone and September is there - What am I doing wrong - any help would be appreciated - Hope I am explaining correctly - Thank you very much - Steve
Are you making sure that both the August and September folders are checked, and remain checked, when you do the sync? If you uncheck one, then it will be removed from the iPad when you sync the other. To keep the photos on the iPad, keep the folders checked.

Are you making sure that both the August and September folders are checked, and remain checked, when you do the sync? If you uncheck one, then it will be removed from the iPad when you sync the other. To keep the photos on the iPad, keep the folders checked.

Sorry Marilyn - not quite sure where you keep the folders checked - It won't let me check any folder once I click on the drop box to add a folder -If I choose August - September isn't anywhere on the screen to check - Sorry to be so ignorant on this - Steve
Darn! This is what I get for trying to talk about something of which I know nothing! I don't sync my photos with iTunes, so I messed up my explanation. Sorry; my bad.

According to this Apple support site (here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4236), you can only sync one folder at a time. But, there can be multiple folders within that folder.

So, try this: make a folder on your computer called [whatever you wish]. Then, put your August and September folders inside that folder. Then, sync the one folder with the iPad (using iTunes).

I also understand (from that link) that you can only sync one folder at a time. So, if you sync a folder and then go to sync another folder, the first folder (and its contents) are removed/erased from the iPad. That's why your two folders kept disappearing.

So, here's my thoughts/recommendation. Keep one folder that you will use to sync with your iPad. Keep any other folder or pictures inside that folder and make any changes to that main folder inSIDE that main folder only. Then, when and if you sync that main folder, only the changes you've done will reflect on the iPad. As long as you only sync your photos using that one, main folder, your pictures on the iPad will be there (and match that one main folder).

Hopefully, I've managed to remove all the murky muddy muck from this. Hope it clarifies.

Darn! This is what I get for trying to talk about something of which I know nothing! I don't sync my photos with iTunes, so I messed up my explanation. Sorry; my bad.

According to this Apple support site (here: iOS and iPod: Syncing photos using iTunes), you can only sync one folder at a time. But, there can be multiple folders within that folder.

So, try this: make a folder on your computer called [whatever you wish]. Then, put your August and September folders inside that folder. Then, sync the one folder with the iPad (using iTunes).

I also understand (from that link) that you can only sync one folder at a time. So, if you sync a folder and then go to sync another folder, the first folder (and its contents) are removed/erased from the iPad. That's why your two folders kept disappearing.

So, here's my thoughts/recommendation. Keep one folder that you will use to sync with your iPad. Keep any other folder or pictures inside that folder and make any changes to that main folder inSIDE that main folder only. Then, when and if you sync that main folder, only the changes you've done will reflect on the iPad. As long as you only sync your photos using that one, main folder, your pictures on the iPad will be there (and match that one main folder).

Hopefully, I've managed to remove all the murky muddy muck from this. Hope it clarifies.

Marilyn -- THANK YOU so much! That works - Have a Blessed day - Steve

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