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Transfering Kindle subscriptions to iPad

hugh ault

iPF Noob
I am not sure if this is the right Forum as this is my first time here and if not, please redirect me.

I have a Kindle 2 in my name with books and newspaper subcriptions in my name. My wife recently got a iPad 3G. I went on the the Kindle page and registered her iPad as an additional place where I could access the Kindle material. However, when I use the Ipad, all of my current and archived books appear but none of the subscriptions. Any thoughts or suggestions? Is this a Kindle problem or a iPad problem?

Thanks in advance.

Do you have the Kindle application on your iPad? I haven't had any issues reading my Kindle books on different devices.
I found the following help info
About 1/3 down it says how to manage your subscriptions

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As far as I know, Kindle subscriptions appear only on an actual Kindle. The content providers have to format and otherwise build subscriptions to Kindle requirements, so they wouldn't render on iPad. Some also sell iPad subscriptions, but those are built according to those needs. So you'd have to buy both if you want them on both devices. Books are different, because they're not as design intensive.
I had no problem transferring my Wall St Journal over to the iPad,Inc or Galaxy after finding the link above.

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I had no problem transferring my Wall St Journal over to the iPad,Inc or Galaxy after finding the link above.

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I'm curious how you did this when the WSJ Kindle version isn't available on the Kindle app. See description on Amazon's Kindle subscription page:

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/The-Wall-Street-Journal/dp/B000FDJ0FS/ref=amb_link_354187942_4?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=right-2&pf_rd_r=0VTDMPJQXE8FMGWDYBSK&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1278174862&pf_rd_i=1263068011]Amazon.com: The Wall Street Journal: Kindle Store[/ame]
I just called Amazon Kindle support at 1-866-321-8851 and asked what Kindle subscriptions could be read on iPad. The rep's answer: none. His explanation: The application cannot support that.

I did notice while browsing Kindle newspapers that a few have started letting you send your Kindle subscription to Android devices. I don't know whether you can share them on more than one device, though.

Thanks for the quick and helpful responses. I now understand it is a systemic problem and not just me. I look forward to learning alot on this Forum


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