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Transferring Photo Albums from iPad to PC


iPF Noob
As the title says, how do I transfer photo albums from my iPad to my windows based PC? I have done a search on Google, but all I can find is how to transfer photos from the default album.
iPad picture Transfer to Win7 PC

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]I did two things in my *Windows 7* PC that allowed import from the iPad, no iTunes neccessary.[/FONT]

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]I don't know which thing, or both, caused it to work.[/FONT]

[FONT=arial,sans-serif](and I do not know where comparable settings might be in XP or Vista, but if you do not have *Windows 7*, try to focus on learning how to do the two things below, if possible, before being sent out into the wild blue yonder . . . this site may help as much as frustrate: support dot apple dot com frontslash kb frontslash HT4083 ).[/FONT]

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]1.In Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\AutoPlay I checked 'use autoplay for all media and devices' AND 'Import pictures and videos using windows'in the 'Pictures' drop-down.[/FONT]

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]2.In Control Panel\Programs\Default Programs\Set Default Programs\Set Program [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,sans-serif]Associations , I checked every darn box that allowed Windows Media Player[/FONT]

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]3. RESTART pc for changes to occur, plug in iPad to PC or have it plugged in, and on, and wait for Windows Media Player to ask you (Hopefully!) what you want to do with your 'Camera' pictures (the iPad is now a camera . . .)[/FONT]

[FONT=arial,sans-serif](I got EVERY picture from the iPad into my PC, in one folder named today's date >C:\Users\*username*\Pictures\2011-08-02<; unfortunately, dunno yet how to control that . . .!)[/FONT]
I completely forgot I made this.

Thanks for that. Although it doesn't matter anymore since I found an old laptop, which I thought had been thrown out years ago, collecting dust which has all the photos I needed.

Anyway, I'll have to test what you've said now.
The ipad downloaded all my photos from 'all' albums on the ipad to my pc. I had made one special album of my favorites on the ipad. How do I just move the ONE specific album of photos?
Thank you for any help you can give.
found a way!

Hi, I've been looking at how to do this for a few days and found a few different methods...
1. Get Photo manager pro app - this can make a wifi connection with your PC via a web browser ip address on the PC. You first have to creat albums in the Photo Manager Pro app that correspond to your albums in the ipad native app "Photos"

2. Get Photo Transfer app which can wirelessly send the pics to your PC, Mac or another iPhone/iPad. I tried this and it couldn't seem to handle large albums (i.e, 100+ photos) and also seemed to freeze if I tried to transfer videos and photos in the same album

3. The best way by far is to get PhotoAlbums+ from Cydia (therefore you need a jailbroken ipad) and use that. When you connect via USB to PC, you can access each album as a folder on your PC and just copy over your pics. It does loads of other stuff to which I haven't tried yet.... got to be a catch... yep - USD$6.99 for the pleasure. Worth it in my book after the time i've spent arsing around trying to find a solution and waiting for photos to download via wifi.

4. Found a better option - get the PC software by WonderShare called imate - lets you manage files (music, photos and videos) via a PC interface.

I actually hate how some things on my ipad are so damn hard to do when they ought to be so damn easy. It's an immature piece of technology supplied by an immature corporation and i hope that one day they'll grow up and try to work with consumers rather than alienating them.
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I have a 6.0.1 iOS iPad2 which seems cannot be jail broken at present. Therefore can't access PhotoAlbum+ from Cydia. Any other sugestions
Ready to give up

Thank you all who tried to find a way to download ONLY a specific album from my ipad. I don't know enough tech stuff to feel comfortable having someone 'jailbreak' my ipad. Wondershare sent me info on their new software called something like Mobile go but it still downloaded every photo instead of one album.
Thank you 'liliyterry' for explaining how the ipad 'Photo' app works. I never would have bought this expensive 'toy' if I knew it was so limited in it's uses. I won't buy another ipad.

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