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Transferring Pics and Video


iPF Noob
I'm trying to figure out the most efficient way of moving pictures and video from my iPhone 4 over to my iPad- and looking for suggestions. I'm playing around with Dropbox on my iPhone but havent had time to access them via that app on my iPad- can you open and save pics and video to an iPad via that app or just view it?

In addition to an app or apps, when I'm home and have access to my pc is there a better way to move material between the devices? Can you even access that data when you're syncing through iTunes or accessing the device via "my computer" and copy/pasting data? That doesnt seem overly efficient in just asking the question lol...

As well, am I right in saying the Apple Camera Connection Kit will only work on the iPad, not the iPhone? Otherwise one could simply drag that media over on an SD card or thumbdrive?

Thanks for any input!
Bmac228 - there is really no easy solution for this. Due to apple's proprietary approach to development everything must be done via iTunes. There some useless exceptions to this rule such as Airshare, however using airshare doesnt allow the images to be viewed in the photo library, onlynfrom the airshare app. This is the only exception i am aware of that provides an alternative to iTunes.

Dropbox, iDisk, google docs are all cloud applications which provide access to those cloud files on their servers via the app you download. So, you never have a local copy of the file on your mobile device. In answer to your question, you cannot save a local copy of the images via those apps such as dropbox.

You have stumbled onto the same frustration that i experience. iTunes is a royal pain to work with. For apple to be so successful in selling mobile devices they have certainly not provided a simple user interface to accomplish such mundane tasks as moving and copying files.
The "Photo Transfer" app is available for $1.99, in the Apple store. It will allow you to copy to and from iPad, iPod, iPhone and PC or Mac. Read and follow the instructions and it works like a charm.
Thanks for the quick replys- actually I was able to play around w/ Dropbox a little earlier on my iPad and it does appear that you can send pictures from that cloud app to the "photos" app on the pad, however there is no option to do that w/ any video one has put in their dropbox... so that sucks....

Pocobear- I'm taking your advice and spending 2 bucks on the photo transfer app, the reviews were stellar and it looks pretty user friendly, the only thing that might bite is the 5 min or less rule on video, not sure I would need anything over 5, but then again I might... I'll keep you posted on my thoughts about that app.

Oh, I should mention that I've previously d/l'd the "Mover+" app to move data between my phone and pad but not too overly impressed... I've only used it over bluetooth, not wifi though, just seems slow and "clunky"??
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Besides dropbox I use an app called "photozap" also a free app. if you have both apps on iphone and ipad. you can have both devices connect to wifi and you can send a pic from one device to another. it can also send via bluetooth to each other.
But doesnt work with video.
Nice to know

Thx pocobear im gonna check it out as well.

The "Photo Transfer" app is available for $1.99, in the Apple store. It will allow you to copy to and from iPad, iPod, iPhone and PC or Mac. Read and follow the instructions and it works like a charm.
Besides dropbox I use an app called "photozap" also.

couldn't find an application namedphotozap

Just a general idea.
you can always make a PDF file out of a picture ( lots of free programs to do that).
PDF files are easy to transfer into iBook.
So you open a special book case named Pictures, and fill it up with PDF pictures.
No one will noticed the difference
Bmac228 - there is really no easy solution for this. Due to apple's proprietary approach to development everything must be done via iTunes. There some useless exceptions to this rule such as Airshare, however using airshare doesnt allow the images to be viewed in the photo library, onlynfrom the airshare app. This is the only exception i am aware of that provides an alternative to iTunes.

Dropbox, iDisk, google docs are all cloud applications which provide access to those cloud files on their servers via the app you download. So, you never have a local copy of the file on your mobile device. In answer to your question, you cannot save a local copy of the images via those apps such as dropbox.

You have stumbled onto the same frustration that i experience. iTunes is a royal pain to work with. For apple to be so successful in selling mobile devices they have certainly not provided a simple user interface to accomplish such mundane tasks as moving and copying files.

Not entirely correct. I use MobileMe and dropbox. Both allow me to easily sync photos and videos into the cloud. When viewing photos in the cloud, I can touch and hold for a second, and a save/copy image prompt pops up. Tapping on save, puts an exact copy of that image into my iPad or iPhone's local drive. you can sync and transfer in both directions, to and from iOS devices and/or computers. To transfer in the other direction, simply tap the share button, and tap 'send to MobileMe.' Easy as pie.

MobileMe's sync is also built into OSX applications, like iPhoto, making it easy to sync and transfer entire photo albums at once. I prefer syncing and storing via the cloud vs. physically syncing through iTunes myself. Dropbox and MobileMe each have their unique advantages. One is basically free, and the other is easier to use, and works better within Apple's ecosystem. I use and recommend both.
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Good info

Thats why i like this forum, has the best members with good expertise. I didnt know about the ability to save to the local iPad drive. So once thats done are the images viewable in the photo albums?

Thx - chris

Bmac228 - there is really no easy solution for this. Due to apple's proprietary approach to development everything must be done via iTunes. There some useless exceptions to this rule such as Airshare, however using airshare doesnt allow the images to be viewed in the photo library, onlynfrom the airshare app. This is the only exception i am aware of that provides an alternative to iTunes.

Dropbox, iDisk, google docs are all cloud applications which provide access to those cloud files on their servers via the app you download. So, you never have a local copy of the file on your mobile device. In answer to your question, you cannot save a local copy of the images via those apps such as dropbox.

You have stumbled onto the same frustration that i experience. iTunes is a royal pain to work with. For apple to be so successful in selling mobile devices they have certainly not provided a simple user interface to accomplish such mundane tasks as moving and copying files.

Not entirely correct. I use MobileMe and dropbox. Both allow me to easily sync photos and videos into the cloud. When viewing photos in the cloud, I can touch and hold for a second, and a save/copy image prompt pops up. Tapping on save, puts an exact copy of that image into my iPad or iPhone's local drive. you can sync and transfer in both directions, to and from iOS devices and/or computers. To transfer in the other direction, simply tap the share button, and tap 'send to MobileMe.' Easy as pie.

MobileMe's sync is also built into OSX applications, like iPhoto, making it easy to sync and transfer entire photo albums at once. I prefer syncing and storing via the cloud vs. physically syncing through iTunes myself. Dropbox and MobileMe each have their unique advantages. One is basically free, and the other is easier to use, and works better within Apple's ecosystem. I use and recommend both.
Tried photo transfer

App is awesome works lkke a champ. Used it from ipad to iphone4 and back then to and from my pc. Very nice app. Worth the 3 or 4 bucks.



Thx pocobear im gonna check it out as well.

The "Photo Transfer" app is available for $1.99, in the Apple store. It will allow you to copy to and from iPad, iPod, iPhone and PC or Mac. Read and follow the instructions and it works like a charm.
Thanks again to Pocobear, I believe, for the great recommendation on the photo transfer app, it works flawlessly over a wifi connection. Way better than a few other paid apps I've tried the past week or so.

Another question regarding my post: Any suggestions on solid software for converting mpg video over to mov so I can transfer home clips to my iPad? I found some trial software that I d/l'd to my pc but the video bitrate tops out at 6000 kbps (while the original video of the Sony Handycam records at 9100) so the video is somewhat grainy. I was hoping maybe there was something built in to iTunes, kinda like the option afforded to users for mp3 conversion, but from what I can see no dice. Any advice would be great, not that I'm planning on moving a ton of home video over to the iPad, but what I do move I'd like to keep it the same quality.

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